Jimin's body started to tremble in fear. Not for himself... no. Jungkook. He knew how he would react. There would be no stopping his anger and he'd seen how scary Jungkook could get when he was truly angry. And he wasn't entirely sure the other's would want to hold him back. He'd seen their protectiveness and hate for Seong-Min too. 

Seong-Min let out another low rumble of chuckles. 
"Oh, and you should know your brother finished his studies and is on his best way to become Korea's most well-renowned Lawyer."
He knew that- had seen his face in the papers, smiling broadly and confident into the camera as he held up his degree. The best one of his entire University, graduating with flying colors. 
Seong-Min leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and putting his chin on his hands in a relaxed, calm manner. 

"So, let's think this through. I'll introduce myself to him, rile him up a little, and I think we both know I excel at that. And when he beats me near death, I will file charges for assault and battery. I already made sure Chung-Ho will defend me in court and then your dear little boyfriend will make some time. Or perhaps he will even go down for attempted murder and get a life sentence?"

Jimin couldn't breath. Couldn't think around the horrible picture Seong-Min put into his head. And he knew- he knew he wasn't joking. He would do it, if only to see Jimin break again. 

"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" he choked out, trying not to cry- not to break down right here and now. 
Seong-Min's expression darkened, speaking through his teeth.
"Because you're mine, Jimin. You've always been mine. You really think I'd just let you go?"

His? Oh God, Seong-Min was crazy. Absolutely, fucking insane! 

He had no words as he kept trembling, staring at this nightmare in front of him. Seong-Min looked back at him before his eyes slipped past him to something behind him and his entire person changed, a fake, happy smile replacing the darkness, his eyes wide and friendly. 

A lavender, musky scent hit him first and everything in him froze in absolute horror. 
No... no this couldn't be happening. 
But there was nothing he could do as Jungkook put a hand on his shoulder, coming to stand beside him. 
"Everything all right here, Jimin?"

No. Nothing was all right. Absolutely nothing. Panic made it hard to think. Made it hard to find a solution to what would mean his world getting ruined again. And this time there would be no coming back. Because if Jungkook went to prison for him- ruined his life to revenge Jimin, there would be no old lady getting him back to his feet and no friend in the world who could ever make him collect the pieces of his heart. 

"Oh, hi there," Seong-Min greeted with that fake smile still plastered to his face, looking up to Jungkook like he was not the least bit worried about what the younger would do to him if he knew who he was. 

Seong-Min reached out his hand to Jungkook and Jimin's world slowed. It was like someone else was watching, having turned everything to half the speed. 
And with a smile Seong-Min said: "Nice to meet you, Jungkook. Jimin just told me about you."

Jungkook went rigid next to him, his eyes narrowing on the boy and he didn't reach out to shake his hand. 
"And who are you?" He seethed out darkly. 
No... oh no, no, no. 

But Seong-Min didn't even glance Jimin's direction to see the pleading, begging look on his face. 
"Oh, I'm an old friend of Jimin's. My name is Hyun-Sik."
Relieve flooded through him. Utter, all-consuming relieve at hearing a fake name leave Seong-Min's lips, even as he still stood there paralyzed by fear. 

"An old friend?" Jungkook asked cautiously, his voice doubtful. 
"Yeah. Imagine my surprise when I recognized him just now! We went to school together. Same class, right Jimin?" 
And then he shot him that fake smile. 
He had no idea how he mustered up the strength to smile as well. "Yeah. I was just as surprised. I didn't think you'd remember me." 

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