And then there was Misses Yang- oh boy... She never shut up, being her ridiculous self and making him turn red, bantering with him until Jimin gave up with a groan or simply made him laugh by being her ridiculous, dramatic self. He would never be able to put in words how thankful he was to have her in his life. She'd been the first. The first one he trusted after Seong-Min and his brother. The first one he had allowed to hug him. The first to make him smile again when it had seemed like he could never do so again. The first to heal some of the broken pieces of his heart. The first to put her faith in him. To not stop believing he could get better.  
Without her, he didn't know if he could have gotten to the point he was now:
Surrounded by friends who loved him for who he was. Opening up to others too, his stuttering and blushing almost non-existing and slowly he got used to the attention too. Was able to blend out the negativity of some and learned to appreciate the support and encouragement he got from others.
And of course there was Jungkook.
His boyfriend.
The person he loved.
The one who had made all of this possible for him. Who had pushed and pushed him too let go of his past and he had. He truly had, no longer letting his life be ruled by fear and pain. It was still there of course, but it was no longer pain, merely the memory of it and that, he could live with.

Those two weeks with him had been utter bliss. Jungkook was all Jimin could have ever hoped for. Understanding, patient, loving, kind and at the same time wholly indecent and dirty-minded. And now that they were officially a couple, he made sure everyone knew just how much he loved him and that he was completely off limits to others. God, his jealousy was both a little overwhelming at times, but also prove of how protective and in love he was with Jimin. Jungkook had not stopped telling him how happy he was- how much he loved him and how proud and amazed he was by his little boyfriend. 

And Jimin... he was happy. He was finally, utterly happy and he owed it all to them. To his friends, his boyfriend, the rainbow-haired boy who treated him like a real younger brother and an old, wrinkled lady who took in a shy, broken boy and made him smile again. 
And he owed it to himself. 
He was no longer a little bird. He was a swan now. 


The End 




Ha! Just kidding, it ain't over yet 😂


Jungkook grabbed his wrist and pulled him down on the bench next to him, then leaned over to place a deep kiss on his lips. 
"Sit. There's barely anyone here, and Jina has that dude on the counter covered." 
Jimin snorted and shot a glance to the blond girl flirting with the dangerous looking biker-guy over the counter, he boobs hanging out again and Jimin would not be the least bit surprised to see her leave with him when her shift was over. 

He sighed, then leaned back into the bench and the arm around him, Jungkook holding him close. 
"So," Jimin started, facing the others. They had all come, plus Leonie sitting between Tae and Yoongi. 
"What are you guys doing?" he asked, nodding to the tons of paper in front of them on the table. 

"Oh," Leonie screeched out excitedly, clapping her hands. "We're planning a trip!" 
"A trip?"
"Yea," Tae nodded vigorously. "I printed out all the possible places we could go to next week to celebrate Chuseok."

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