The man behind the slaughter

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{Warning: Cussing}
*3rd P.O.V*

The three of them made shocked noises. "Wait, you know!? So why let them continue with what they're planning!?"

Cee yawned and closed her eyes. She rolled over on her side and crossed her arms. "It won't matter if I stop them or not. They won't stop trying to get me on one side. They'll try and gain my trust regardless of what I do."

The Troublemaker Trio moved in front of the couch so they could actually view Cee. "So you'll just let them use you for their plans?" Howzer asked, concerned for the fourteen year old.

"No, of course not. I'll think of something along the way. I already have a few plans in my head that entails with each group here but it doesn't bring up how they wanna gain my trust. All will be revealed in time." Cee yawned again as her words started to become just mumbles.

The three sighed at the girl. "Alright, whatever you say." And they left her on the couch. Griamore and Gilthunder went back to the Royal family while Howzer headed up for his room. Cee wanted to sleep but she felt too lazy to actually go up to her room, so she ended up falling asleep on the couch.

Unknown to her, someone was listening to them and waited for Cee to be asleep and for the Trio to be somewhere else.

Fraudrin walked into the room and looked down at the sleeping child. He was quiet and if you were to look into his eyes, you wouldn't be sure as to what he was thinking. But there was something he wanted to do.

Images of Griamore as a child flashed through his head as he gently picked up the girl into his arms. In the ten years of possessing Dreyfus, he has shared and formed his own fatherly instincts. He made sure he didn't wake her up and made sure she was comfortable his his arms.

Cee instinctively snuggled closer to Fraudrin, taking in the warmth from his body. Fraudrin's eyes widened a bit, before softening and the mouth on his chest turned into a smile. He started walking to her room and unfortunately for him, his little bit of happiness won't last long.

"What are you doing with her, Fraudrin?" Hendrickson demanded to know, leaning against the wall with Zaratras standing with him. Fraudrin became annoyed with the fact the Hendrickson won't leave him alone.

Fraudrin continued walking, as they were on the second floor, and didn't even glance at the two Druids. "I'm taking her to her room."

"Well, you can just hand her over to us. We can take her to her room ourselves. She would be safer with us either way." Hendrickson said, walking up to Fraudrin with Zaratras following suit.

"It won't matter who she's with. She's going to the same destination. And besides, I'm holding her already." Fraudrin retorted back and glared at the two. "Now you two better stop following me. You're both annoying and I thought you were dead, Zaratras."

"Well guess what, I'm alive and well." Zaratras said, death-glaring Fraudrin. "Now hand us Cee."

"No." Fraudrin growled, getting incredibly pissed at the two. Before a fight broke out, Cee spoke up.

"Goddamn, you two shut the fuck up. I'm trying to sleep." Cee muttered and snuggled into Fraudrin's chest. She was getting annoyed due to the voices she was hearing were progressively getting louder and more aggressive. "I don't give two shits if I'm safe or not. I'm warm, Fraudrin's got me, and I like him. He's cool. Just shut your fucking mouths and let me get some goddamn sleep."

The three stopped in their tracks and looked at Cee in shock. They weren't expecting her to be awake and cuss at them. More so, they didn't think she would be fine with Fraudrin, or like him. Fraudrin felt a small bit of pride rise up in him and gave smug look at the two humans who stood still. "Well, I guess that decides it."

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