Time to stop this bullsh-ttery!

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[Warning: Cursing]
*Cee P.O.V*

Gilthunder stood up from his seat, along with Dreyfus, Hendrickson, Deathpierce, Bartra, and Denzel and all they could do for the moment is stare at him in shock. Zaratras became increasingly nervous and it was starting to show. "It has been a long time, hasn't it?'

Suddenly, Gilthunder ran up to him and gave him a tight hug and stuffed his face into his dad's shoulder. "Please tell me this is the real you.."

Zaratras smiled and tightly hugged his son back. "Yes, it's the real me Gil. I'm alive again."

Then, here came a small little reunion. Dreyfus and Hendrickson apologized for what they had done even though Fraudrin was possessing Dreyfus and Hendrickson was under a spell, Zaratras forgave them and more hugs again, and Zaratras started socializing with those in the room and slightly catching up with them. Cain walked up to Meliodas and those two were happily chatting away while Vivian awkwardly stood to the side.

Gelda chose to not talk to anyone in the room and started walking away. I waved goodbye to Vivian and she gave a little wave back and I followed Gelda. I caught up to her and started walking by her side and she started giving me a judge-y side look. "Why are you following me child?"

"Oh, I'm just going upstairs to the second floor in the rec. room 'cause my friends are waiting in there for me." I explained but I also wanted to do something else.

I placed my hands behind my head and secretly focused Gowther's magic to a finger and shot it at Gelda's head, looking into her memories. I saw things that I already knew, like the memory of Zeldris visiting her before he was sealed away and Meliodas sealing her away. But the third most recent memory stuck out to me.

[In the memory]
Gelda woke up in the library and started looking around and was confused. She seems to be thinking about where she is, how is she out of the seal and stuff like that. She got up from her position on the ground and went to the doors of the library and she peaked out the doors and just saw Chandler go past the corner in the hallway towards the stairs.

She quietly, as well as quickly left the library and closed the doors behind her. She looked out the window in the hallway and saw the sky suddenly be engulfed in total darkness. She silently gasped at this sudden phenomenon and started following Chandler. She was lucky enough the Chandler never noticed nor sense her.

She hid from everyone's sights, especially Chandler's and Cusack's sight, in the hallway and listened to everything that was being said but those talking. She knew who I was and was overjoyed when she saw Zeldris. She waited and waited until the conversation was over and until Zeldris was all alone in the room he had chosen for his bedroom.

She quickly opened and closed the door of his room and got in. Zeldris immediately spun around on his heel and pointed his sword at her. As soon as he saw her, his eyes softened and a look of disbelief struck him. He put his sword away and the Commandment of Piety disappeared from his forehead and his emerald green eyes shown.

"Zeldris." Was all she said softly and Zeldris almost immediately threw himself into Gelda's arms, where she immediately wrapped her arms around the tiny demon.

From there on, they reminisced in each other's embrace before the two crawled into Zeldris's bed and jut did nothing but cuddled until they fell asleep...Oh my god, this is so fucking cute.
[End memory]

I look at Gelda and I smiled. Time to put on a good act! "Hey, can I ask you a question, Gelda?"

She stopped in her tracks and turned to me with an intimidating look. Jesus, no wonder Zeldris can be scared of her! "How do you know my name? I know for sure that only Meliodas and Zeldris knows of me and my name."

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