Running for our lives

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{Warnings: Cuss words}
*Cee P.O.V*

"Time to run away!!" I picked up Zeal and started sprinting away from them as Gerhade took Elaine's hand and flew away, not giving Galand and Melascula any time to have another thought.

"What the- of course they have to be difficult souls. But they'll make up for a good chase. Get back here!" I heard Galand screech as we reached the stairs to the third floor. I hopped onto the rail and slid down and quickly caught myself from falling over when I reached the end. The sound of Galand just fucking stomping his way to us could be heard.

'Whatever you do, just don't look back. Don't look back, don't look back, don't look back-' And like the dumbass I am, I looked back. And there was Melascula floating after us. I tuned my head back and I started forcing myself to run faster. 'Cee BOKE!! I literally told you to not look back!! And what did you do?! LOOK BACK!!'

"We need to lose them! If we can't, we're going to die!" Gerhade exclaimed.

"We know! But hey, so far, we're sticking to the plan! OF RUNNING AWAY!" I responded to her.

Suddenly, a black wall formed infront of us, blocking our escape. "Crap!" we skidded to a stop so we wouldn't collide with the wall.

"We can't escape! This is Melascula's darkness!" Elaine exclaimed.

"Well well well, the little fairy is smart apparently." Melascula smirked as she approached us slowly with Galand.

"Two humans and two fairies, perfect! We can split them evenly." Galand said with the hint of cockiness sin his voice. Melascula rolled her eyes, most likely knowing Galand isn't one to do things evenly. Galand didn't take notice and took out his axe and looked down on us, literally and figuratively.

"Of course, it wouldn't be any fun to have a chase without any of them getting cut up, now is it?" Galand said lowly, raising his weapon. He suddenly started whirling his axe around him and I immediately knew which attack he was going to do.

'He's gonna do [Chaotic Judgement]!' I thought, my eyes widening. And for some reason, my body started moving on its own. I got into a stance and I placed my hand on the sword to my left. My fearful face suddenly shifted into a face of focus.

*3rd P.O.V*

Galand started to let out a barrage of stabs from the spear end of is axe as Melascula watched the humans and fairies about to be stabbed. But what disturbed her was that the human girl in-front of the two fairies and smaller human was that she didn't have the face or aura of a fearful child.

"[Chaotic Judgement]!" Galand exclaimed as he let out his attack. And almost immediately, the girl yelled. "[Full Counter]!"

Shock ran out through the two commandments as the barrage was suddenly countered back to Galand, who sustained some of the damage of his own attack. But, the girl also sustained damage as she wasn't fast enough to immediately use [Full Counter] against Galand. She had many cuts on her arms and legs as blood ran down her head over her left eye and the corner of her mouth, and had a huge cut on her shoulder where the print of Zeldris's commandment was as the area was stained red.

"Full Counter? Only that traitorous Meliodas and Estarossa can use that attack!" Galand exclaimed, regaining his bearings. That's when the two demons noticed it.

Their eyes widened in shock and they let out a loud gasp when they averted their gaze back at the girl who used Full Counter. Cee had wide eyes and her mouth was agape, but that's not what Melascula and Galand were focused on.

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