XI. Silver Water

108 3 1

Narrator: Annie Vanil

In which a girl uses poison to turn water silver.





(Brief) throwing up


Crappy writing


    The thing not many people from the districts know is that a lot of poison is artificially dyed silver in the capitol. They do it because the unnatural silver colour makes it easy to notice in food or drinks. I only know because it was all written out on a little note that came with the poison itself. See, in the Hunger Games, a District 11 tribute has to really prove themselves to get any sponsors. I've done that, stabbing that boy and bashing that girl's head in. The boy, I killed during the bloodbath. The girl, I killed less than an hour ago.

    Neither kills were creative, or even particularly unique, but that isn't what matters. What matters is that they were both brutal, aggressive. I remember exactly how each kill went. Both were weirdly satisfying. Before the reaping, I'd never even considered killing anybody. During training, I came to terms with the fact that it would have to happen eventually. I just never thought I would enjoy it. Not until I slit that boy's throat. He was the first person I've ever intentionally harmed, but gods did I feel great doing it.

    I ran towards the cornucopia the second they hit the gong. A boy and I had ended up grappling for a dagger. I'd won, and shoved it into his throat. His blood had spurted out a little bit like water would a fountain. The dagger is still tinted red with that very same blood.

    The girl was harder to kill. She put up more of a fight. I'd won fairly easily, and I'd bashed her head in with a rock. The image is still vivid in my mind. A pretty girl, but prettier dead. Her blood had stained the snow red and soaked into her hair, mixing with the orange and turning out looking like some sort of twisted sunset. Red and orange, sunset colours. Ironic that she'll never see tonight's sunset, or any after this.

    Speaking of tonight's sunset, it's beautiful. Even more ironically, it's red and orange. Fire, sunset, blood in ginger hair. Wait. Sunset means it's getting dark, and it getting dark means that I won't be able to see anything.Time to stop reminiscing about killing people, I guess.

    I drag my mind back to the present to find myself still staring at the vial of silver poison in my hands. Beyond that, the pool of water. Water in this arena is limited, I've noticed. Drinkable water, that is. There's the lake, but it looks gross and unsanitary. That means this ought to kill at least one person. As much as I love getting my hands dirty, sometimes it's better to stay out of harm's way.

    Hopefully the other tributes will think the water is just weird. Even better, it'll be dark and they won't notice anything is off. I uncork the vial and pour about half of it into the water. The other half, I'll pour somewhere else. Now, I wait.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

    It's late and I'm almost asleep when I hear footsteps. As quietly as possible, I peek my head over the bush I've been hiding behind just enough to see. Two people walk into my line of sight. It's hard to make out exactly what they look like in the dark, but the moonlight piercing the trees makes it possible to see basic features.

Renegades | DSMP x Hunger Games CrossoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz