II. Night and Day

157 6 0

Narrator: Wilbur Soot

In which one brother worries about changes and one brother makes a joke about night and day.



Mentions of death

Mentions of violence


Crappy writing


I got back from the woods at around 6AM, somewhat out of breath from running. I've been lying on my bed for at least an hour, thinking about how much I miss those night time excursions when my alarm goes off. That means it's time to bring my brother, Tommy, to school. He'll put up a fuss, I know he will.

I get up, walking into his room as quietly as I can. I'm standing next to his bed when I take a deep breath and yell, "Tommy! Get your lazy ass up, it's time to go to school!"

"Will, what the fuck!?" he exclaims, shooting up into a sitting position. I laugh, reaching out and ruffling his hair. "Stoooop!" Tommy whines. He drags out the 'o' like he always does when he's annoyed at me. After reminding him to get dressed, I go downstairs to make breakfast.

Looking through the fridge, I'm realizing just how little food we have. I would get more, but the Peacekeepers look at me like they want me dead, so I don't want to go shopping and risk it, not to mention the fact that I have no money. I miss the old days, back before everybody was so on edge. No -- it's not the time to mourn the past. I did that, last night. Now I'm angry, angry at the Peacekeepers and the capitol and everybody else. That's why Techno and I talk about taking down the government so much. Panem has never done anything good for any of us.

"HELLO!? Earth to Wilbur? You're meant to be making me food, dickhead!" I jump at the sound of my brother's voice. He's waving a hand in my face and yelling at me.

"Sorry, I was just... Never mind." I mumble. There really is no good way to tell your sibling that you plan on destroying the government, so I keep quiet.

"Awh, are we really out of shit again?" he asks. I nod regretfully.

"I'm sorry, really. Despite contrary belief, I do wish I was a better brother," I mumble.

"Wow, the difference between your mood ten minutes ago and now is like fuckin' night and day," Tommy laughs. I manage to laugh along, despite still feeling bad. He's right -- I am sort of like night and day. The only thing is that I've never let anybody really see the 'night' side of my feelings. That would mean vulnerability, which is something I can't afford, especially now.

Tommy shoves his way in front of me so that he can look in the fridge. He tosses an apple at me, which I almost don't catch. "Eat something, will you? I'll get school lunch, it's fine," my brother says.

That makes me feel even worse. I'm an adult. I should have a job, I should be earning money. Instead, I'm too scared to leave my house during the day for the fear that I'll get shot. How is that fair? I don't know whether to blame myself or the Peacekeepers at this point.

"Thank you. I don't say that enough, but thank you for not giving up on this nightmare of a family. Now go to school, I don't want to make you late," I say. Tommy is clearly weirded because I'm being nice to him, since we're generally mean to each other.

"No problem, Will," he says, turning to walk out the door. I quickly pull him into a hug, something I haven't done since we were kids. "Night and day," my little brother mumbles into my chest. I laugh, and we pull apart.

"Sorry. Anyway, have fun at school Tommy!" I smile and wave. Tommy sighs, waving back as he walks out of the house.

My smile falls the second I hear the door click shut. I look down at the apple in my hand, debating whether I should actually eat it or not. My eventual consensus is that it would be bad if I didn't, so I force myself to take a bite out of it. Only when I start eating do I realize how hungry I am. It's been a while since I've had anything real to eat, and it's no wonder that I'm starving. The feeling will be gone in a few hours, though, and I'll just feel empty again.

I have a couple of options for things to do. The first one is to watch the TV and whatever's on, probably some bad capitol talk show. The second option is to go to sleep so that I'm not exhausted tonight when I go to meet Techno. I decide that the second option is probably better. After I finish eating, I toss the apple core onto the counter and walk up the stairs. Tommy will wake me up if anything important happens.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I'm woken up by my little brother screaming at me. "Wilbur! Will! Wilby! Wake up, dickhead! They're gonna start doing Quarter Quell shit!"

"Tommy, did you just call me 'Wilby'?" I ask, laughing softly as I climb out of bed.

"Well, it woke you up, now didn't it?" he grumbles. Then I get dragged downstairs, and pulled over to sit on the couch. The woman on the screen -- Voula Aspec, I think her name is -- is finishing talking about the 150th anniversary and opening an envelope labeled 175.

"For the one hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder that mistakes can be easily fixed, the male and female tributes will be reaped from the pool of failed experiments," Voula reads, smiling. I knew it was coming, but I still panic a little bit.

Tommy looks over at me, one eyebrow raised. "You're probably not even gonna get reaped," he says.

"It's not me I'm worried about," I shoot back. My brother laughs, telling me that he's a big man and he can take care of himself. I just pray to the gods above to take pity on me just this once and let me keep one person that matters to me.


(1007 Words)

A/N: Holy crap I scrapped the second half of this so many times because it was shit lmfao- tbh I still think it is but this is like the 4th version so idc anymore

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