IX. Beautifully Fake

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Narrator: George Found

In which four friends ask someone to build them a bomb.



Mentions of death

Mentions of violence


Crappy writing


     Learning that my friends are plotting to take down the government isn't how I expected Monday morning to go. Spending all day tracking down another tribute isn't how I really wanted to spend Tuesday or Wednesday. Trying to convince some twelve year old to build us a bomb is by far not how I wanted Thursday morning to go, but here we are. Standing outside a campsite consisting of a burned-out fire and a poorly-made tent, trying to get a kid from District 13 to build a bomb so we can pull off some insane plan to get rid of the force field around the arena. The sun isn't even fully up yet.

     "I swear we're not here to kill you!" Dream exclaims.

     "Why are all four of you armed if you're not here to kill me!?" the boy shoots back, gripping his axe tighter. I see Drista reach for her sword, clearly ready for any confrontation that might happen.

     "I'm not armed!" Sapnap interjects.

     "You threatened to set me on fire two minutes ago! You don't need a physical weapon to be armed!" the boy exclaims.

     "We're actually not here to kill you. My brother can give off the wrong vibes sometimes," Drista says, but he doesn't look convinced.

     I bury my face in my hands as they keep going back and forth. The entire thing is awkward to even watch, and I really would rather not get involved. Besides, I'm probably adding to the awkwardness by just standing here. I don't even need to talk. Eventually I force myself to move my hands, just to make sure nobody's getting stabbed.

     I stiffen when I see somebody just kind of appear right outside the tent. While I'm aware that it could either be invisibility or teleportation powers, it still catches me off guard. This person could potentially be much more dangerous than the kid Dream is currently trying to bribe.

     "Tubbo? Why are you yelling?" the person calls to the kid. They sound like a boy, but I can't be 100 percent sure. Everything goes downhill when they see us. Instantly, the mystery person is next to the kid. They're obviously male, closer up. And quite a bit taller than any of us, which is intimidating.

     "Great, another person for you to embarrass yourself in front of," Drista tells Dream.

     "I'm not embarrassing myself!" Dream retorts.

     "Who are these people?" the taller boy asks his companion.

     "Dunno, they just kinda showed up with weapons. They keep saying they don't want to kill me, but it's not very believable," the other boy explains. I shoot Sapnap a what do we do look, but he just shrugs.

     The tall boy disappears for a moment, then re-appears right in front of Dream. He pulls a knife out of a pocket I didn't even realize our outfits had, not even hesitating to put it up against my friend's throat. "Why are you here?" the boy hisses. His voice is more hostile than before, and I feel a genuine rush of fear that he'll kill Dream for being a dumbass. I subconsciously tighten my grip on my machete.

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