V. The Allure of Fire

118 6 3

Narrator: Sapnap Fotelis

In which a boy uses fire to his advantage.



Mentions of death

Mentions of violence

Semi-suicidal thinking


Crappy writing


    Watching the people on the TV talk about why the Hunger Games is so important makes me want to set them on fire, quite literally. I don't know when they decided that they needed to give their stupid speech a second time, but apparently it's a necessity. What I really want is for them to start giving out scores.

    It takes a few minutes, but they do actually get to scores. I expect to get at least an eight. My performance with the burning ropes deserves that much. They start with District 1, like they always do. I make sure to pay attention despite everybody else around me talking. How can I win if I don't know what I'm up against?

    "District 1. Technoblade Anastou. 11. Ametrine Sylver. 8." The girl will be easy to get rid of. The boy, not so much. An alliance with him sounds like a good idea.

    "District 2. Tommy Soot. 6. Marble Falx. 8." Not very good, for District 2 kids. Usually they get higher. It'll be easy to pick them off, if the other tributes don't get to them first.

    "District 3. Dream Taken. 9. Drista Taken. 9." My best friend and his little sister. I couldn't hurt them.

    "District 4. Charlie Slimecicle. 7. Niki Nihachu. 8." More dangerous than the District 2 kids, but not by much. I could probably beat them easily.

    "District 5." Here we go. "Sapnap Fotelis. 10." YES! "Ellie Tricity. 10." Everybody around me starts cheering. Why wouldn't they? Both of us had gotten tens, which is really good. Ellie laughs out loud, punching me in the arm not at all gently. I punch her back, all in good fun. We're not friends and never will be, but we don't hate each other.

    "District 6. Foolish Gamers. 11. Axia Fusca. 8." Avoid the boy or try to team up with him. Kill the girl or let somebody else do it.

    "District 7. Ranboo Economidis. 9. Willow Sequoia. 7." The girl is fucked, whether I kill her or I leave her alone. The boy... Whether a nine is dangerous or not is debatable. Avoid him until I know what he can do.

    "District 8. Bad Halo. 12. Chiffon Hemp. 8." Avoid the boy at all costs, unless I can convince him to team up with me. Ignore the girl. She's not important.

    "District 9. George Found. 6. Rye Quinoa. 7." My other best friend and some girl that'll be dead before I can even find her. I can't hurt him either, but I'd have no problem roasting her.

    "District 10. Marcus Durus. 8. Lola Warren. 7." They're practically dead kids walking. I don't need to worry about them.

    "District 11. Augustus Florus. 7. Annie Vanil. 10." The boy isn't a problem. The girl might be, if those tributes with scores higher than ten don't take her out.

    "District 12. Skeppy Dimanon. 8. Cassia Dama. 7." Exactly what I'd expect from District 12 kids. Low scores, easy to kill.

    "District 13. Tubbo Underscore. 10. Anna Matra. 8." The boy probably knows how to build bombs. The girl is as good as dead.

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