"Still..." Millie trailed off in a weak protest.

"You really know how to get the party going, Draco," Pansy said and squeezed herself in between Draco and Harry and slipped her arm around Draco's.

Draco looked down at her with questioning eyes and Harry scanned the common room for Neville, thinking that he might hold some answers to Pansy's sudden mood. Harry spotted him on the other side of the room, talking to Hannah Abbott. He turned his head and met Draco's eyes over Pansy's head, in silent question and agreement.

Harry knew what Draco was going to do the second before it happened, when he watched Draco's grey eyes turning to Neville, looking determined.

"Longbottom!" he called out through the room and several heads turned towards him, including Neville's.

"Yes?" Neville asked, looking pale as Draco glared at him.

Draco merely gestured his hand, saying that Neville should walk over to him, pointedly ignoring Pansy's stare and Millicent's raised eyebrow. Neville whispered something to Hannah who looked like she had seen a Death Eater, and he walked across the room, looking anywhere except at Draco and Pansy.

"I just wanted to ask you if you've managed to make my bed smell like a greenhouse yet? It would be good to know so I can prepare myself for when I get it back." Draco's face was beyond smug as he smirked at Neville who looked little under the Slytherin's gaze, even though he was the taller of the two.

"I – I don't know, shou–– should I go and check for you?" Neville stuttered and Harry could see how Draco was trying to suppress his laughter. Harry looked over at Bulstrode to find that she clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her chuckles. Only Pansy looked like she was ready to storm away if only Draco would only let go of her arm.

"No need to, I'll do it myself, I have to go and fetch something anyway. Here, take Pansy's arm will you?" Draco's smirk drew even wider as panic flashed over Neville's features. "Brilliant!" Draco said and practically threw Pansy at Neville before turning around to walk up the stairs, dragging Harry with him before Neville even had a chance to answer.

"You're pure evil sometimes, do you know that?" Harry said as soon as they entered Harry's and Ron's dorm.

"Thank you." Draco's eyes almost shined when he smiled back at Harry who had to take a hold of the doorframe to keep steady. "I'll take that as a compliment," Draco said.

"Of course you would." Harry rolled his eyes. "What are we doing here anyway?" he asked.

"We are making certain that Longbottom and Pansy start talking. And fetching some candles," Draco answered and then turned to one of his bag and fished up five white candles that he had undoubtedly made himself.

"And now?" Harry asked.

"Now we're going to check if my bed really smells like a greenhouse or not." Draco placed a quick kiss on Harry's lips on his way through the door and then walked away to his own dormitory. Harry quickly ran after him before he could get too far.

"You realize that you're being childish, right?" Harry asked teasingly.

"Caution and childishness are two different things, surely you realize that. And you can never be too careful when dealing with Gryffindors, can you?" Draco smirked.

"Oh really?" Harry raised an eyebrow, trying to look mysterious and possibly sexy.

He must have done something right, as Draco grabbed his shirt and snatched him forward, crushing their lips together. Harry gasped before kissing Draco back, pushing him up the wall with his hands on Draco's hips. Draco's hand found Harry's hair and he licked Harry's lips, in invitation for Harry to open his mouth and Harry happy obeyed, letting Draco kiss him breathless.

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