Chapter 8

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I varje hjärta armt och mörkt

sänd du en stråle blid.

En stråle av Guds kärleks ljus

i signad juletid.

. . .

In every heart poor and dark

you send a gentle gleam.

A gleam of the love of Gods light

in blessed Christmas time.

"Nu tändas tusen juleljus" ("Now light up thousand Christmas candles"), Emmy Köhler

Harry had kept close to Malfoy all day. When he had gotten up that morning he had showered and dressed and then walked to the dorm where Malfoy slept to make sure that he would accompany him to breakfast. Because McGonagall said that he should watch over Malfoy all the time, and he translated that to as soon as he got out of bed till he went to bed.

Luckily, Malfoy and Nott were just getting ready to go and have breakfast as well, or more precisely Nott was packing their bags while Malfoy stared out the window. He didn't even turn when Harry knocked or Nott opened the door.

"Ah, here to prevent any more falling bookshelves then?" was Nott's greeting. "Draco, Potter is here to pick you up!" he called and made it sound so wrong, in so many ways. Apparently Malfoy thought so too, since he turned around at that and grabbed his bag that Nott was holding out to him with a "Shut up." before storming off.

Nott just smiled and stalked after him, and Harry did the same.

Harry had gotten Ron up with him, and he was waiting in the common room. At the sight of the blond storming down the stairs, Harry saw him sigh before heaving himself up from the armchair where he was dozing comfortably.

Harry heard him mumble something like "Who gets up at this hour, really?" when the two of them walked after the Slytherins to the Great Hall.

The day followed in a similar manner to the prior one, Harry and his friends followed the Slytherins, but always stayed about ten meters away, never talking to each other.

It was after their last class when Malfoy first approached him.

"I'm going back to the Tower because I didn't bring my lyrics with me this morning, and you're coming with me." he announced and then turned around, walking away and Harry had to run after him to catch up.

"Really Malfoy, you could be more polite." He pointed out.

"And you could have been there to stop the whole Nordic folklore section from crushing me."

"You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?"

"You couldn't be more right."

They walked quickly through the corridors. Luckily it wasn't far between their last class and the Tower, so they got there in five minutes. Malfoy clambered up the stairs in a hurry and Harry followed, trying hard not to stare at the Slytherin's arse when it was at eye-level.

"Why are you practically running?"

"Because I don't want to be late." He turned his head around and snapped.

"We have twenty minutes, how slow are you planning on walking?" Harry exclaimed as they stepped inside Malfoy's dorm. Malfoy didn't look at him and instead started to throw around his things in search.

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