Chapter 20

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 Änglarna ger oss hopp och tro

sjunger om fred på vår jord

allt som Gud aldrig övergav

en stjärna lyser så klar

. . .

The angels give us hope and faith

singing about piece on earth

everything that God never abandoned

a star shine so bright.

Original title: "En stjerne skinner i natt" ("A star shines tonight"), Eyind Skeie and Tore W. Aas, Swedish translation; "En stjärna lyser så klar" ("A star shine so bright"), Ingela "Pling" Forsman

"What did she want?" Harry asked him as soon as the two of them sat down at the Slytherin table for dinner.

"She just wanted to thank me for saving her," Draco answered, "and tell me if I hurt you she will kill me." He smiled when the colour drained away from Harry's face. "But honestly I think she will have to stand in line, her older brother would be the first to plot my death if I ever hurt you, it's just a fact."

"That is supposed to be funny, and I suppose can see the joke in it, but I'm not laughing, Draco." Harry said dryly.

Draco felt a flutter in his stomach when Harry said his given name, and he felt like smiling like a fool.

"Oh, Draco now is it?" Pansy grinned from across the table, and Draco knew that he was never going to hear the end of this, in retribution for taunting her about Longbottom. "When did this happen?"

"Er..." Harry hesitated.

"When you were out snogging Longbottom," Draco said before Harry could say anything stupid. Pansy looked liked he'd just slapped her for a second, before turning red in both rage and embarrassment.

"You're such a bitch, Draco." Harry choked on his pumpkin juice and started coughing which turned into a loud laugh.

"What on earth does he find so funny?" Daphne scowled at Harry.

"Oh, great Merlin." Harry coughed before looking up, tears in his eyes from laughing or choking, or maybe both. "I'm never going to get tired of Pansy insulting Draco," he said still chuckling.

Pansy gaped at the Gryffindor in front of her, but Harry was oblivious that he had just used Pansy's given name.

"Well," Daphne said, obviously also noticing what Harry had said, "hope you wont ditch us as soon as the 13th is over with."

"Oh, I don't think so." Harry grinned, and Draco felt himself do the same, the two of them sharing a private joke. Under the table, he felt Harry bump his leg, and then let it stay there. Draco had no intention of moving away. It was oddly reassuring to have their legs together like that, touching so lightly from knee to hip. He thought about all that had happened the last 24 hours. He had gone to bed in Harry's dorm, woken up in Harry's arms, heard Harry telling him that he loved him... Snogged Harry in Neville Longbotton's bed... The dark had possessed Ginny Weasley and had almost broken him. He thought about saving Ginny Weasley, that same no-longer-possessed Ginny Weasley had threatened him and thanking had thanked him in the same conversation. Yesterday really had been a hell of a day.

And he still didn't know how to respond to Harry's confession. He had said that he loved him. Loved him. Draco was still trying to get that into his head, but it seemed so surreal, yet obvious. The way he sometimes caught Harry looking at him, in that kind of way, they way Harry seemed to want to touch Draco all the time but restrained himself. It was obvious now that he knew it was there, but maybe Harry was just allowing it to show now that he no longer had to hide his feelings.

𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐀 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐀Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang