"This is so weird," Weasley commented, and Draco caught himself agreeing. "Why is Nott packing all your stuff, can't you do it yourself?" he then asked Draco. In another context Draco would have gladlycut Weasley's head off and fed it to the werewolves but right now he didn't have the energy to bother.

"I can, but for some reason he always seem like he wants to do it for me, so I let him. And he always seems to know what I need, more than I do sometimes."

"That's right Draco, I always know what you need, never forget you said that yourself just now. I have a witness." Theo held up Draco's school bag that had all his books in it, not just the ones he needed for the day, and another bag undoubtedly full of clothes and other necessities.

"I didn't mean it that way, git." He snatched his belongings out of Theo's hands.

"Wow, a Slytherin fight," Weasley commented and Draco and Theo shared a wicked look and then looked back at Weasley with devilish smirks on their faces.

"Want to try?" Theo tipped his head to the side.

"Because we would be happy to give you nightmares." Draco continued.

"Okay! Now you're creeping me out!" Weasley's eyes were wide and he took a hesitant step backward as Draco and Theo showed their teeth.

"Just wait, now that we're going to sleep in the same room you should learn how to sleep with your eyes open."

"You can do that?" Potter asked in surprise, making Draco turn.

"I'm trying to freak your friend out, shut up," he drawled but the look on Potter's face made him crack up, which only made Potter chuckle too.

Just then, Longbottom showed up in the doorway again with a stuffed school bag and his uniform hanging over his shoulder.

"All set?" he asked no one in particular.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Potter took Draco's school bag out of his hands before Draco even had the time to react and he was left staring dumbly at Potter's back as he walked away.

"Have fun with the Gryffindors, Draco," Theo sneered and Draco shot one of his coldest glares before he turned around and gracefully stormed out of the room, annoyed that he has to sleep in the same room as those Gryffindors from now , who clearly didn't fancy staying in the Slytherin dorm (which happened to include a Ravenclaw, but really, what difference did that make?) quickly said something encouraging to his Longbottom and then got the hell out of there, trying to catch up with Draco and Potter.

"So, here we are," Potter said and dropped Draco's bag right on the floor next to an empty bed. "That's Neville's bed, and over there is Ron's and that's mine."

"Figured as much." This dorm had the exact same layout as Draco's; three beds in a line, but Potter slept in the middle this time, as Draco slept in the middle in his dorm.

He heard sheets rustle as Potter and Weasley climbed into their beds, and Draco dumped this bad next to Longbottom's, deciding that he would unpack tomorrow.

"Good night," both the Gryffindors mumbled and Draco did the same, and then lay down in Longbottom's bed. It smelled like plants and dirt, and even though Draco would rather die than admit it to anyone, he found it quite soothing.

"Draco, can I talk to you?" he heard Pansy's voice ask behind him, and he got up from the Gryffindor table and his breakfast, because the sound in her voice said that he had no other option.

"Sure, has something happened?"

She blushed and looked over the table, but the only one that had looked up was Potter sitting next to Draco, and he had looked down again when he saw that it was Pansy.

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