"Seriously? Is that it? You are so selfish and a b*tch. Now I know why I slept with Jessica when I was with you." And with that he hung up, leaving me in shock and trying to process what in the world just happened.

"Alexa, add wild break up to the list of shit happened to me in less than three hours." I muttered sarcastically.

I got up and decided to walk home, the weather seemed decent for the time being and seeing as my ride just broke up with me, I decided to walk the 1-hour home. Yay for me!

Note the sarcasm. Again!

Ten minutes into my walk the rain started pouring down my thin top and my shorts soaking now. I discarded my jacket in the waiting room at the hospital and forget to get it amidst all the chaos. I would definitely have a cold tomorrow. Absolutely freaking amazing. I shivered trying to contain my body heat. I didn't have anyone else to call, I wasn't exactly the most popular. I walked deep in thought, until a car horn brought me out of them.

I turned to my right to see a jeep stopped on the side, a guy with green eyes and black, fluffy hair looked out the window shouting at me.

"oi. Hey. Yeah you. Do you want me to give you a ride? You look wet and cold. You'll get sick if you stay out here any longer."

Desperate for the warmth of my bed, I nodded and got in making the soft leather seats wet.

"oh fudge. I'm sorry about the seats." He just shrugged and asked for my address. I told him and he begun to drive me home. I realised his accent was not of here and asked him, "you're not from here, are you?"

He shook his head not giving me an answer. Anti-social much. I stared out the window at the passing trees and thought about what my family could be like. I mean how bad could it be to live with a few boys, right? Really bad. I mean come on, stinky socks, smelly bedrooms, football (soccer). How much worse could it get? I swear if this voice doesn't shut up I'm going to scoop it out with an ice-cream scoop and flush it down the toilet. Violent. I know. We arrived at my house

"goodbye. Mr anti-social." I rolled my eyes as he drove off and went to take my keys out my coat pocket realising, I left them at the hospital too. My life is just splendid. I groaned in annoyance; I'd have to go back tomorrow. I sat on the doorstep tired, frozen, and probably ill. No shit sherlock. I didn't sleep at all for the rest of the night. My mind swirling with the events of the night making it impossible to even try and get comfort on the brick step.

I was snapped out of my daze at a car door closing in the early morning. I saw Julia walk up to my house hands full of shopping bags, blonde hair frizzy from the wind and forehead creased by concentration.

Julia is someone who has acted like my mum more than my own mother did. She was always there for me whether it was when I fell down outside and grazed my knee, or when I couldn't comb my hair and got it all knotty or when we went to Asda and they wouldn't let me walk out the shop without paying for a packet of monster munch which resulted in calling security. I mean come on I was 7 and a kid, not a fully blown criminal. Dumb adults. She was there for me during my hard times and also the good times. When she found out my situation at home she offered to look after me since her two kids Alex and Alice had gone to university out of town. My mum didn't even care just agreed to it. I softly smiled at the memories not letting it show. I may have known her for a long time but if there's one thing you should know about me is I never break down my walls in front of anyone, well I did with Jamie, but we don't talk about that. You just don't want to come to terms with it. I've already come to terms with it. Uh huh sure. Whatever.

She looked at me, continued walking, started fumbling with keys and then reversed and looked at me again. I'm making her sound like a car now. Her eyes grew to the size of golf balls and the creases in her forehead disappeared before she moved forward pulling me into an embrace. She knew I wouldn't hug her back but still tried to comfort me, my arms stayed limp at my side, twitching to reach up and hug her back but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I felt guilty, but I just couldn't. I could only imagine how I looked right now. Eyes red from lack of sleep, lips cracked, hair greasy and all my clothes sticking to me with wet patches all over them. I felt disgusted but relaxed, only for a moment, thankful for some sort of rest. Yuck!

She led me into the living room leaving the shopping outside and ushered me upstairs and into the bathroom, leaving me to shower. Thank god for the spare key. I'm going to need to visit the hospital again.

 I'm going to need to visit the hospital again

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Mr anti social - the guy who took her home

Word count - 1536 words

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