There she saw Harry, walking hand in hand with Ginny, kicking snow as they walking aimlessly. Hermione hesitated for a second because she knew that Harry and Ginny did not spend as much time with each other as they used to. But Harry had a responsibility, and the 13th of December wasn't that far away anyhow, so he was needed more by Malfoy's side than by Ginny's.

"Professor, I've found him." She nodded her head towards the courtyard when McGonagall turned to look at her in question.

"Well done, Miss Granger. I'm afraid though that I have to ask you to come with me to the hospital wing with Mr Potter. I believe that he might accept things a more easilyif he has a friend with him," she said, and Hermione only said a faint "Yes, Professor" as McGonagall stepped outside into the courtyard and marched over to Harry and Ginny.

"Mr Potter, if you will come with me," she said simply but sternly and then drew her mouth like a thin line, glaring at him.

Realization hit Harry immediately and he disconnected his hand from Ginny's, turning towards her to make an excuse.

"Has Harry done something wrong, Professor?" Ginny asked before Harry could open his mouth.

"It's more of what Mr Potter hasn't done," McGonagall said with a dark undertone.

"I'll come with him," Ginny stated and reached to take Harry's hand again, but he pulled it away and took one step back.

"Listen Ginny, this is important, and you know I can't tell you. I wish I could so that you would at least understand, but I can't," he said, looking apologetically at her. "I'm sorry, Ginny, I have to go." He hugged her lightly and kissed her cheek, and then he turned around to follow McGonagall.

"Hermione?" He looked a bit startled when he saw her waiting for him inside, and raised a eyebrow as if to ask her what was exactly going on when she started to walk beside him following McGonagall.

"We're going to the hospital wing," she said, because she could guess that Harry really wanted to know where he was going. "Malfoy's there." That was all she decided to tell him, firstly because there was a chance that someone might overhear, and secondly because she was mad at him for not being there and prevent it from happening.

Harry kept looking at her pointedly for a while, as if to ask her to tell him more, but when she said nothing he faced forward and kept quiet until they entered the hospital wing.

"I'm fine, yes really!" Malfoy's voice greeted them as the large doors opened. Malfoy was lying on one of the beds with Madam Pomfrey fussing everywhere around him, and casting spells on him, while Parkinson and Bulstrode stood as close to the bed as they could without bumping into Pomfrey.

When they entered everybody else looked up at them. Pomfrey let out a relieved noise, Malfoy's face was unreadable, Bulstrode glared daggers at Harry and Parkinson flinched at the sight of him.

McGonagall walked straight up to Pomfrey and Malfoy with Harry and Hermione following a bit slower behind.

"Any injuries?" McGonagall asked Pomfrey.

"A lot of bruises and a fractured rib, but he's all healed now," Pomfrey answered and turned to Malfoy. "You're free to go." She smiled.

"Great." Malfoy jumped out of the bed was by Parkinson's side before anyone could blink. Hermione studied the two Slytherins, wondering what kind of relationship they really had. Before, she had thought that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but it didn't look like they were when she looked at them if she compared them to Nott and Greengrass or even herself and Ron. They were close, no question about that, but not the kind of close that most couples were.

McGonagall was murmuring something to Pomfrey who nodded before she went back to her office.

"Mr Potter," McGonagall called, making Harry who was standing beside Hermionejump.

"Yes, Professor?" His voice was uncertain as he looked up.

"The fact that you did not watch over Mr Malfoy when I specifically told you to do so could have had grave consequences. Have you any idea how serious this is, Mr Potter?" she hissed, her voice poisonous.

"I did – " Harry began but McGonagall's stare silenced him.

"Because of your recklessness I am going to make this very clear, to all of you." She looked up at every one else there and then turned back to Harry, "You are to watch over Mr Malfoy every waking hour, even more if necessary, to make sure that no accident happens again. Are we clear?" Her gaze was as hard and cold as ice as she glared at Harry, making even Hermione feel a bit afraid. She could only imagine how Harry was feeling right now.

Nevertheless, he answered steadily "Yes, Professor." Looking her in the eyes.

"Now, Mr Malfoy," she turned to Malfoy, who was looking blankly back at her, "You will accept Mr Potter's help and company when he gives you it, and if something happens that he is not aware of, you will inform him. And try not to think that you can handle this by yourself. You have far too much to focus on and as I think you are aware, you can't always watch your own back."

"Yes, Professor" he answered flatly, nodding.

"Good. Now off you go then."

Malfoy marched out of the hospital wing with his fellow Slytherins by his side, and Harry and Hermione hurried after, following them. They led the way to the library. The walk was quiet and not once did Malfoy turn around even though Bulstrode did it frequently and Parkinson occasionally.

When they walked in they saw a little crowd that had gathered around the fallen bookshelf and Madam Pince and Filch trying to tip the shelf over to its original standing position.

"Wow, what happened here?" Harry exclaimed startled, and right then Malfoy turned around looking angrily at Harry.

"That," Malfoy snapped, "is the very bookshelf that chose to tip over and dump all its literature on me while you were out snogging your so called girlfriend, idiot."

And just like that, it was like stepping back to third year with Harry and Malfoy at each others throats, the atmosphere hot and burning like fire.

Harry was just about to answer Malfoy, his eyes shining with an intensity she hadn't seen in them for a very long time. She cut him off before he ever got the chance to snap back.

"Guys! We do not want a fight, behave!" she exclaimed earning a sneer from Malfoy and a frustrated sigh from Harry. She ignored it all together. "I propose that you lot get your belongings and whichever literature you were working with and then we all go the tower?"

To her surprise Bulstrode nodded in agreement and turned to Draco, "As much as it pains me to agree with Granger, she has a point. If you want to cause a scene, you could do it in the Eighth Year Tower where it would be somewhat kept a secret, Draco." she said.

"Fine!" he snapped and turned around and stalked towards a table where he and his friends had been sitting before mumbling something that Hermione could only make out the swear words of.

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