''It's dangerous. She can get injured or even worse.'' The man said with a straght face.

''So? Can't you see that she's unhappy when you said that she can't go outside.'' Natsu said and clenged his fists. The girl looked supriced by Natsu's words.

''No i didn't. And i don't know were you're talking about.'' The man looked away.

''Témé are you blind!?'' Natsu said and stepped foreward.

''Natsu don't!'' I said and grabbed his hand.

''Sir i sugest you to leave and DON'T com--''

''No, wait Neil!'' The girl said and grabbed my and Natsu's arm. ''Let them stay! We haven't had people over since...'' The girl looked sad at the ground.

 I saw a glimpse of pity in the man's eyes. ''Alright then.'' He said and stepped aside so Natsu, Happy and me could walk over to the front door. ''But only this time.'' He said without looking at the girl. I felt that the girl squeezed my arm, when i looked at her i saw that she whas smiling. 

''Thank you Neil!'' She said and pulled us inside

I know alot more about the girl now. Her name is Kaoru. She is 14 years old and her father is the mayer of this town. So she is the doughter of the one who sent the request.

''Lucy, what is a guild like?'' Kaoru asked. I saw that Neil whas nervous. ''My aunt told me that my mother whas a mage in a guild. So i wondered what it's like.''

I looked at Neil who whas doing something with a napkin. I sighed and smiled at her. ''It's really fun! You do alot of thing, and teach new magic!'' I said and looked at Natsu's direction. Natsu whas smiling at her while he was petting Happy. Happy whas sleeping on Natsu's lap.

''How long are you in your guild now? And what's the name of the guild!?'' 

''O, i think about one year now. It's called Fairy Tail.''

''Fairy Tail? So you are the ones who are gonna save the children!?'' She said and stood up. I nodded.

''Yes we are.'' I said and stood up. Natsu Natsu put Happy on his arm and stood up.

''You can count on us!'' He said and showed his famous smile. A tear rolled down Kaoru's cheek. She hugged us and wispered something. I didn't hear what it whas, but i guess Natsu did because his eyes widened and he had a sad smile on his face when he said: ''Yes we will.''

When Kaoru's father arrived the happy mood we had earlier dissapered. Kaoru left the room the secont he enterred the room. Natsu and I didn't had the change to say anything or the man started talking.

What he asked didn't sound like a request. It whas almost like he forced us to do it. I guess it's really serious. When Natsu and I agreed to everything he said he kneelden down.

''Please bring all the children back! Help me to free my son..'' He said as a tear rolled down his cheek. My eyes widened.

''Y-your son..'' I said.

''Yes. He got kidnapped when i wasn't home..'' He said with a trembling voice.

''Don't worry about it old man. We bring the children and your son back.'' Natsu said and looked at the man who whas still on his knees. 

''R-really?!'' the man said and looked up. Natsu nodded and kneelded down. 

''Yes!'' He said and held out his hand. ''You can count on us!''

Natsu, Happy and i were on our way to the dark guild. Natsu didn't say much and whas focused on everything around us. Like if every time someone could come out of nowere and do something unexpected.

''Hey Natsu.. What do you think the dark would be like..'' I said with trembling voice. Natsu looked shocked about how i said that. I bluched and looked away. ''S-sorry.. i didn't ment to--'' My words were cut of by Natsu who grabbed my hand.

''Don't worry, i will make sure nothing happens to you.'' He said. I looked at him and smiled, what made him bluch.

''I know, thank you! I will do the same.'' I said and saw Happy smirking in the corner of my eye. The old me would immediately drop Natsu's hand. But right now i don't want to. Since i know how it feels like to not have him around i want to be as close as possible to him. I don't want to lose him ever again.

I woke up out of my mind because of Natsu who suddenly stopped. 

''Why do you stop so sud--''

''Were here.'' He said and looked with cold eyes at the scary looking building. ''Let's go.'' He said and walked over to the guild, he whas still holding my hand. 

''Fire dragon iron feet!'' He screamed and kicked with great force the doors open. 

There we stood. Not knowing what terrible thing was going to happen the next hour.


*Next chapter previeuw*

*Natsu's pov*

We were losing. They were alot stronger than we expectet. We thought that it would be an easy request. That it wouldn't take much time. God, i'm glad Hiro got back to Fairy Tail. The dark mages were attacking us with strong magic. Even my dragon slayer magic couln't stop them.

But when they slapped Lucy and cut her with a knifes in her arms and legs, something snapped in my head. My body started moving on it's one and i didn't had control over what i whas doing. The demon inside me had taken over. And i didn't even try to stop him.


So how whas is? I'm actually satisfied with this chapter. The idea i got from @chrystalmy188 helps me alot, Thank youu again :)

You guys can still sent me any ideas. I'm really happy to read them and use them in the stroy ;)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

(The pic is the girl in this Chapter. Kaoru . She is also from a real anime/mangaAlice Baskerville from Pandora Hearts)

The end of me (fairy tail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now