Chapter 51 - Too Much

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Harper wakes up in a daze to see the room up in flames. Harper walks over to see parts of Harvey's lifeless body lying on the ground. The explosion caught him and blew off some of his body parts. Harper takes off her CFD jacket and lays it over him
"What have you done honey?" Harper says as she lays the jacket over him
Harper can then hear sirens and can hear her radio go off
"Harper?!" Kelly radios
"Kelly! Don't send anyone in here! It's too unstable!" Harper replies whilst coughing
"Harper you could suffocate!!" Casey radios
"Send me in my gas mask! There's only one person I need to get!" Harper says
"Fine!" Kelly replies
Harper then runs to the door where Kelly is standing with her gear but Harper only takes her mask
"What are you doing?" Kelly asks
"There's no point on me putting all of my gear on!" Harper says putting in her mask
"Just be careful" Kelly says calmly
"When am I ever not careful?" Harper asks
"Umm" Kelly says before Harper interrupts him
"In fact don't answer that!" Harper says 
Harper runs back in and navigates her way through the house. She finally reaches Luitenent Harvey's bedroom and finds it filled with thick black smoke. Luckily he is still breathing. She gives him her Air mask to help him breath. She grabs his arm and pulls him out of the fire
"Heavy smoke inhalation! Was breathing when I found him and has a 1st degree burn on his right leg!" Harper says placing Harvey onto the ground
"Thanks Harper! You good?" Gabby asks
"I'm fine! Get him!" Harper says as gabby starts to work on Harvey
Harper walks over to Kelly and Casey
"What happened?" Kelly asks
"I don't know! He called me this morning and threatened to do it but he actually torched the place!" Harper says looking at engine putting out the fire
"Where you in there?" Casey asks
"Yeah! I tried to stop him but I couldn't" Harper says
"Where is he? Did he get out?" Kelly asks looking around
"The way the house exploded it took him with it. His arms and legs were blown off and his blood was smeared up the wall" Harper says with tears in her eyes
"Let's get you back to the firehouse!" Kelly says taking her hand and loading her into squad
They arrive back at the firehouse to discover tons of detectives waiting for them
"Harper Severide?" The detective asks
"That's me" Harper replies
"I'm Detective Watson! Can I ask you some questions about the incident today?" Watson asks
"Uhh yeah" Harper says as they both sit down at the squad table
"This is PC Rodgers and PC Ferris" Watson says as 2 other cops sit down
"What happened today?" Watson asks
"Was it an accident?" Ferris replies
"Or was it on purpose?" Rodgers asks
"Umm I'm not entirely sure! All I know was that it went up in flames!" Harper replies overwhelmed
"Right and you were in the building?" Rodgers asks as Harper nods her head
They keep asking questions until Harper walks to the bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror to discover blood all down her back and on her face. She starts to get flashbacks of her time with Harvey
It's Harper's first day meeting all of her students
"Hello! I'm Harvey! It's a pleasure to work with you!" Harvey says smiling as he shakes her hand
"Its good to meet you too!" Harper says smiling
"Your such an incredible woman! After everything you go through to save people you still have a smile on your face!" Harvey says as Harper smiles
"Yeah well that's the only way to get by in the CFD" Harper replies
*Present Day*
"Your done! Get out! I'll make sure you never see the CFD again!" Harper's mind plays over and over again until she screams and breaks down on the floor crying
Kelly runs in and sits down next to her. He takes her in his arms and lets her cry it all out....

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