Chapter 47- Teaching isnt easy

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It's a few weeks later and Kelly is good as new. They are all at the firehouse and only have an hour left on shift. Harper walks into Kelly's quarters
"I don't wanna teach that class tonight!" Harper says as she lays down on Kelly's bed
"You'll be fine!" Kelly says smiling
"I know but I have to spend 2 whole hours with 20 year olds!! I don't know if I can take that!" Harper says dramatically
"Harper your 33! You were in your 20s not that long ago!" Kelly says looking at her
"Yeah but I did something with myself! I made Luitenent at 26!And Captain at 30! In case you didn't know but that's the youngest person ever to make Luitenent!" Harper says smiling
"You could make a new Harper Severide out of these "20 Year olds" Kelly says laughing
"Oh honey please! No one can replace me I'm too special!" Harper says before giving Kelly a kiss
"I'll see you after my class!" Harper says as she walks out
Harper jumps in her car and drives to the academy. When she arrives she is greeted by the commissioner
"Harper!" Grissom says smiling
"Hey girs!" Harper says
"Your class is out here!" Grissom says as they walk out
"Attention guys! This is Captain Bailey and she will be taking this class for the next 3 weeks!" Grissom shouts
"Hey guys!" Harper says smiling
Grissom leaves and Harper starts the class
"Okay so Harvey and Johns! Have each others backs in there!" Harper shouts as they both suit up and run in
Harper sends the rest of the class in when Harvey comes running out
"Harvey!" Harper shouts
"Yeah captain?" Harvey asks out of breath
"Where's Johns?" Harper asks
"She was taking too long! So I left her!" Harvey says before taking a sip of water
"Well I suggest you get your ass back in there and find her!" Harper shouts as Harvey sighs
"Fine!" Harvey says as he suits back up and runs in
Minutes later they both come running out and Johns is limping
"What happened?" Harper asks concerned
"I tripped but it's nothing!" Johns says cradling her ankle
"Go get it checked out! Come back when your ready!" Harper says as Johns gets up and walks out
It's the end of class and Harper pulls Harvey aside
"What did I tell you to do!?" Harper asks firmly
"To stay with Johns? And have her back" Harvey mutters
"That's right! And that was an order! Which you didn't follow! Your never gonna become a firefighter if you ignore orders!" Harper shouts
"You got it Captain!" Harvey says as he walks away annoyed
It's the next day on shift and Harper is sitting at the squad table along with Kelly and the rest of squad 3
"I just don't know what to do! He could have killed that girl in that fire!" Harper says clearly frustrated
"I would dump him! If he can't follow a simple order then what's the point on keeping him?" Kelly asks as they can hear someone shouting
"Where is she!" Luitenent Harvey shouts
"There she is! Harper Bailey!" Harvey shouts
"Harvey! That's where I recognised that name from!" Harper whispers to Kelly
"Your a selfish lying cow that can't see any talent!" Harvey shouts
"I'm sorry!?" Harper asks shocked
But Luitenent Haverys actions get the better of him and he slaps Harper straight in the face causing her nose to bleed....

New Blood, One Family 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ