Chapter 9- The new Luitenent!

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It's the day that Harper has been dreading. The day the new Luitenent takes over truck 81. She arrives into work with Kelly and gets changed. She then sits down in Kelly's chair at the squad table.
"Hello?" A random guy says at the door of the firehouse
"Sir! How can I help you?" Herrmann asks enthusiastically
"Oh I'm truck 81s new Luitenent?" The guy says
"Right! Im Christopher Herrmann!" Herrmann says smiling
"Ahhh your on my truck! I'm Luitenent Jake Winters!" Jake says enthusiastically
"It's nice to meet you Luitenent! Let me introduce you to everyone!" Herrmann says
He introduces himself one by one until he gets to Harper
"Cap" Harper says before she stops her self
"Harper Severide!" Harper says
"Ahhh! The squad captains wife!" Jake says putting out his hand for her to shake it
"So that's what I'm getting called now? Not truck 81s Captain? Or a firefighter or hell just a normal human!" Harper says not shaking his hand
"Well your not truck 81s captain anymore! That's my job!" Jake says taking his hand down awkwardly
"Yeah well we will see how long that lasts!" Harper says before walking away
"Wow! Is she alway such an asshole? Like what a jackass!" Jake says enthusiastically
"Hey watch your mouth new guy!" Kelly shouts getting closer to Jake
"Oh! I forgot! You can't bust her balls because she has kids with the squad Captain!" Jake says putting his hands up
"Say one more word I dare you!" Kelly says shoving him before gripping onto jakes t shirt
"Truck 81, Squad 3, engine 51, Ambulance 61, high rise fire, 27th south street" the intercom says
Kelly let's go of Jake and they all suit up and jump into their trucks. They arrive on scene to discover a hotel up in flames and spreading fast. They get information that there is 30 floors in this hotel and over 1,000 residents inside.
"Okay all truck companies!" Harper shouts
"Bailey!" Jake shouts
"Sorry Jake!" Harper says putting her hands up and taking a step back
"It's Luitenent to you!" Jake says annoyed
"I'll call you Luitenent when you've earned my respect!" Harper shouts
Jake gives out his orders and they all run in. Harper is on the 29th floor alone as Jake didn't give her a partner
"Fire department call out!" Harper shouts
Harper doesn't hear anything at first but then she can hear a faint help coming from one of the rooms. She opens the door and walks in. As she is in the room the roof collapses. She gets buried under the rubble and her leg gets trapped so she can't get out. She is also low on air. She can hear someone coming
"Help! I'm stuck!" Harper shouts at the top of her lungs as a figure appears at the door
"Well well well! What do we have here?" Jake says standing over her
"Thank god! Help me out will you?" Harper says putting her hand out
"I thought you could handle yourself?" Jake says with a smirk on his face
"What?" Harper says shocked
"You said you could handle yourself!" Jake says as he walks out and closes the door
"Jake!" Harper shouts
"Luitenent winters! Did you see anyone on that last sweep?" Boden says through the radio
"Negative chief!" Jake replies with a smirk on his face
"Okay! Everyone out! The building is gonna collapse at any moment now!" Boden says as they all rush out...

New Blood, One Family 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें