Chapter 16- The CFD galla, Part 2

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"I really don't know what to say! Thank you to everyone who has helped me get to where I am today! Just a couple of hours ago I was sitting on a bridge in the middle of Chicago not knowing if my wife was going to make it through the night! But if anyone deserves this medal it's Harper! As you all know we recently lost a close friend and firefighter Brian! Harper was there when he got hit by the blast and knew he wasn't gonna make it! So she lay down with him and held his hand to make sure he didn't die alone! That building was going to collapse at any moment yet Harper still risked her life" Kelly says as he smiles
The rest of 51 have tears in there eyes when Kelly looks over
"Now things aren't looking good for Harper! So I'm going to have to cut my evening short to go and make sure that she doesn't think she's alone! Again I want to thank everyone for the medal but my wife needs me!" Kelly says as he runs off stage
Kelly runs out and 51 follow him. They all arrive at the hospital to find Harper's room empty
"Harper? Where is she?" Kelly says in a panic
"She's just away for some tests!" The nurse says as Kelly lets out a sigh of relief
They wait for a while until they see Harper lying awake!
"Your all dressed up? Did I ruin something?" Harper says weakly
"Harper! Your awake!" Kelly says as he runs over to her
He gives her a hug and let's some tears fall from his eyes
"Hey! Watch it! Your getting my hospital gown all wet!" Harper says as she laughs but then winces in pain
"It's good to have you back kid!" Mouch says enthusiastically
"You gave us one hell of a scare!" Gabby says
"You guys can't get rid of me that easily! I'm not going out that way!" Harper says weakly
"Oh and how do you plan on going out?" Casey asks smiling
"Doing a really good save! Like saving someone from a hostage situation! Or old age! Next to this one!" Harper says looking at Kelly
Just then the doctor walks in
"Mr and Mrs Severide?" The doctor asks
"Yes!" Kelly says holding Harper's hand
"Harper's latest test result showed extreme damage in her leg! But only surgery can help!" The doctor says looking down at his chart
"I'll get the surgery then!" Harper says
"About that! Either way we don't think you will be able to return to active duty!" The doctor says as everyone's faces fall...

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