Chapter 24- Stranded

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Harper wakes up to find to bud lying on its side. Kelly is lying next to Harper
"Kelly?" Harper says putting her hand out to find his
"Harper?" Kelly says as he wakes up
"Thank god your okay!" Harper says giving him a hug
"But there not!" Kelly says pointing at the bus
Harper looks around and notices that Paul is lying on the ground with his leg bleeding
"You okay Paul?" Harper shouts as she gets up
"Yeah I'm good!" Paul shouts looking at his leg
Harper climbs up on top of the bus and looks in. The bus looks pretty full
"Everyone okay?" Harper shouts
"Yeah...Umm boys! We all good?" The driver shouts
"Yes coach!" They all shout
"Okay! Cover your faces!" Harper shouts as they all follow her instructions
Harper then breaks the glass with her foot and opens the door
"Okay! Get out slowly and one by one!" Harper says helping the boys out
They all sit on the sidewalk whilst Kelly checks out Paul
"Thank you for your help ma'am" The driver says
"No need to thank me! I'm a firefighter!" Harper says smiling
"I'm coach Higgins! I coach these guys for basketball!" Coach Higgins says
"I'm Harper! Now coach can you try and get a cell service?" Harper asks
"Sure thing!" Coach says
Harper runs over to Paul and Kelly
"How's he doing?" Harper asks
"His leg is cut up badly!" Kelly says as Harper kneels down and has a look
"Here! Take this!" Harper says taking off her truck 81 jacket
"What do I do with this?" Kelly asks
"Tie it around his leg to stop the bleeding! Make sure it's tight!" Harper says as Kelly wraps the jacket around Paul's leg
"Hey Harper?" One of the young boys call out
"Yeah?" Harper asks
"I don't think David's feeling too great!" He replies
Harper rushes over to see David lying on the ground. She lifts up his top to discover a giant bruise. This indicates that he is bleeding internally
"I want you to keep him awake and talking!" Harper says
"Okay!" The boys answer
Harper runs over to coach who hasn't managed to get a signal yet. Kelly comes over and joins her
"Our car is wrecked! And there's no cell service! On top of that we're at least 30 minutes out from Chicago!" Harper says frustrated
"We will find a way to get out of here!" Kelly says rubbing her back
"Harper! David's gone unconscious!" The boy shouts
Harper runs over along with Kelly
"His heart has stopped!" Harper says checking him over
"Ummm....Think Harper!" Harper says to herself
"Harper? Focus!" Kelly says as she snaps out of it
""Do you have an allergy? I know 9 years of marriage and I don't know but do you?" Harper says panicking
"I don't but Benny has!" Kelly answers confused
"Epi Pen! Do you Cary one?" Harper asks
"Yeah I do! There in my car! I might be able to get them!" Kelly says running over
He manages to find one and Harper injects it into the boy making his heart restart. Harper looks up at Kelly and notices he's a little pale
"Kelly?" Harper says
But Kelly doesn't answer. A few seconds later he black out and drops to the floor...

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