I pulled the ring out of my finger and threatened to drop it on the window.

"Let me pass or I will drop this useless fucking thing right here." I tilted my head. God my mind is getting extra crazy I feel dizzy.

"No!! Mikasa please just hear me out.." Eren was panicking he looks so troubled he could actually cry in a moment.

Well. You did this right? Let me go out.

"LET ME THROUGH OR I'LL FUCKING DROP THIS WEDDING RING!!" I screamed angrily as tears fell from my eyes.

He cried as well and I cried even more. I can't do it. Auntie Lydia was just even saying earlier if I'm really sure about Eren and I didn't even have a second thought as I thought of him so faithful to me but look at this trust I had on him. Where did it brought me?

He slowly step aside and I went through holding the ring in my hand. I called a taxi and as soon as I got in, I broke down crying.

I checked my phone and it says

Eren: I'm sorry.


What does that mean? He lied to me?

I cried so hard the taxi driver is flashing weird faces at me throughout the ride. He even handed me some tissue and I thanked him.

I dialed a familiar number as soon as I stopped crying.

"Mama..mmmama..Hello?" The background was so noisy as soon as Annie picked up the call.

"Mikasa? How are you? Why did you call? I'm so sorry for the noise. My brothers are currently here right now ughh! I WILL KILL YOU COLT IF MY SON FALLS I SWEAR!!" I heard her screamed on the other line and I smiled.

Damn. Annie. What a wonderful life you have indeed. You're so lucky to have Armin beside you and two brothers to keep you safe. I am so happy for you. I hope my future went get as bad as it is happening right now.

"Mikasa? Are you crying?" Her voice was laced with concern and I wiped my tears.

"What? No. I'm just really having my allergies again today that's why my voice is kinda you know hahaha." I tried to laugh.

"Okay. But how are you? Should we visit you two.." She was about to say his name again and I cut her off.

"Annie what do you do when you feel so fucked up? Like your day is totally ruined." I asked.

"Uhmmm you know go to shopping. Buy some killer dresses or go out with friends for a party hahahah the good old days while still single!" She said enthusiastically.

"That's really cool. Anyway, thank you. I'm just checking on you really. Hope you take care and say hi to my babies and Armin for me." I said.

"Sure thing! Just call me if you need anything okay? FALCO GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE ALREADY!! I'm so sorry about that." Annie spoke on the other line and I chuckled.

Okay. That's kinda stressful but happy. I wish they stay like that forever.

"It's alright Annie hahaha I will just call you back later." I said and dropped the call.

I kind of felt better after talking to her. I stopped crying and I decided to follow her advice as well to go shopping alone.

I went to a chocolate stop first and ate some white chocolates before I found myself getting lost into sexy lingerie and night gowns in front of me. Priorities. But I seriously don't know why I am here. Where did my feet take me.

"Is this cash or credit, Ma'am?" The cashier asked as soon as I handed her the things I picked.

Kiyomi would be so against these things seriously. Traditions.

"Cash" I said and she hurriedly scanned the items.

I went home by 4 PM after I ate some food on an Italian restaurant I got so full then on. I hurriedly tried the ones I bought earlier and it fits around my body perfectly. I touched the strands of my hair and felt like wanting to cut my hair the shortest again just to deal with this freaking pain right now.

"I love this one." I spoke as I looked at myself in front of the mirror wearing the red sexy night dress with laces on each of my sides as if the thinly covered part is only the front and back.

I yawned and decided to sleep. I purposely turn my phone to avoid distractions. I really feel so sleepy right after I ate that food. I want to rest and forget about this day already.

I woke up but I didn't move. At a distance, I saw him covering his face with a sketch pad and while he was sitting on the room's sofa. I bet he's drawing. He seems so busy as he glanced at me and didn't notice that I already woke up because I didn't move my position.

"Drawing me like I'm one of your french girls?" I asked and I saw him startled. I smirked as he continued to what he was doing.

"Don't move." He ordered and I smirked.

"And why would I listen?" I spoke as I slowly took my underwear off of me while still laying down and held it in my fingers.

Eren's eyes went wide and I saw him gulped multiple times as he tried to finish what he was doing. I raised my eyebrows at him looking directly into his eyes.

I could be daring too Eren. You should know that. I thought to myself as he dropped his sketch pad and pencil and started to massage the tip of his nose and face like he is in serious trouble.

"Is there a problem?" I asked amused.

You don't really want to mess up with me now.

"No. I'm just really.." He said and looked at me straight in the eyes.

Why are you sad now? After what you two did earlier? You two should start dating while I make you suffer, Eren.

"I can't take this anymore." He said as he stood up and I noticed him growing. I smirked.

There. Did I made you horny already? Wait. There's more. Coz you were such a good boy, you deserve to suffer, Eren.

"About our deal, the contract and land. I'm just reminding you about what you promised. I am getting what's mine." I said as I untied the lace on the other side as he walked towards me.

The truth is I never really wanted it back now. I was just so pissed I want him to know that I still remember about our deal. I want him triggered. I want to stress him out!!

"Didn't we already settled that back in our house? Why are you opening it up again?" He stopped walking midway and went to get his phone then put it back.

"It was. But then, I remember someone breached the contract today so can I have it already?" I said as I pulled my nightgown a bit higher and I could see him sweating already.

Go on Eren. As if I'll back down.

"I didn't breach the contract because I didn't do anything bad. Therefore, I am not compelled to give you the land and I am in good faith. Plus, we already mutually agreed before. Are you saying that was a lie?" He said in legal terms and I smirked.

Oh I forgot? This one's a lawyer? A liar? Perfectly rhymed.

"And if I say so?" I spoke.

He tilted his head as he looked at me.

"Think you can outsmart me Mikasa?" He said as he crawled on the bed and stopped as soon as he was hovering me.

I glared at him but he didn't move.

"You're seducing me way too much kitten." Eren spoke as he traced my face with his fingers while looking into my eyes.

The Beautiful Tragic Us (Eren x Mikasa)Where stories live. Discover now