Queen [0046]

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The one thing that made Theodore Forbes different from everyone else wasn't the fact that he was a tribrid nor the fact that he was the only son of Niklaus Mikaelson an Original Hybrid, but the fact that he was about the only one in the entire wor...

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The one thing that made Theodore Forbes different from everyone else wasn't the fact that he was a tribrid nor the fact that he was the only son of Niklaus Mikaelson an Original Hybrid, but the fact that he was about the only one in the entire world to make the impossible happen.

It's been predicted that he's the most powerful creature to walk the Earth. But frankly, how accurate is that statement?

The one that happens to say it was an enemy of the Mikaelson's, so how true were his words?

How powerful is this young tribrid?

Theo hasn't truly shown how powerful he could be. Sure, he did defeat an entire coven of witches at a young age and he also did seal their powers for later use - not that anyone knows about that.

Theodore Forbes isn't someone who you want to mess with, especially if it directed to his family or those who he cares about.

So if you want to make him mad. . . Make him furious. . . Feel his wrath. . .

Witness his strength. . . His power. . . His destruction. . .

Then I suggest you try to touch the one person he would gladly die for. . . gladly kill for. . .

The one person he would give up his powers. . . watch the world burn down in flames. . . the one person besides his twin and brother:

try touching his mother and I promise you that you'll truly see what Theodore Forbes is capable of. . . And I assure you, you'll die to regret it.

Theo walked towards his room but paused in the hallway because of a photograph that once again caught his eye: his mother with a bright smile and warms eyes, his papa Stefan alive hugging and kissing his younger self and baby sister

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Theo walked towards his room but paused in the hallway because of a photograph that once again caught his eye: his mother with a bright smile and warms eyes, his papa Stefan alive hugging and kissing his younger self and baby sister. . . they were happy, oh they were so so happy. They had no worries, no problems, no time to frown or cry. Though that all changed when he decided to do something noble but stupid.

After that day, there were no more bright and fun clothes. No more singing and dancing in the kitchen. No more bright smiles or warm happy eyes. Instead, there were dark and gloomy clothes, silence filled the room, smiles turned upside down, warm eyes became dull and sad.

A person filled with newfound love and hope. . . it was brutally taken away from her. She deserved much more than what life gave. Though she didn't complain once, she kept moving forward, kept fighting for her two little ones.

But that all will change, Theo will make sure his mother gets what was taken from her. He'll make sure she gets was she deserves and if that means going against some of nature's laws, then so be it.

A warm hand rested on his shoulder, "it was days before his death," his mother softly spoke. Theo gazes up towards her and at that moment he was certain he saw something in her eyes - something akin to remorse. "We went to the lake and-" she started to recall that day and the only thing Theo could do was stare. Every single time she spoke of his papa, there's always sadness in those blue orbs.

"I remember," he said, staring back at the photograph. It's been a long time since his death, but Theo is certain that to his mother it felt like a lifetime.

Claire hummed and much like times before while staring at a picture of her late husband, Stefan she appears absent-minded and seemed occupied with what before her eyes. And then her eyes would grow sad before her head would shake, perhaps to keep those undesirable thoughts away.

"Follow me," glancing at her son, she turned without looking at the picture. The son, lowering his eyes to the photograph once more, before following her quietly.

Claire opened the door leading up to the attic and calmly walked upwards, she didn't have to motion to Theo to follow because was right behind her. She continues to walk towards some old boxes, pushing away the unwanted ones until she stopped in front of three huge boxes.

Theo stayed quiet as he watched his mother take in a small shaky breath before her trembling hands slowly dusted the top then opened one of the boxes. With confused eyes, he stared as his mother pulled out an old black leather jacket before it hit him. His eyes widen as he realized what she was doing. This wasn't just any old leather jacket, but it was his papa's and for the first time since his death, she was holding it.

She slowly turns around, clutching her husband's jacket tight against her, her eyes teary and faint smile. "Choose one," but how could he when she was staring at him with such expression.

His mother was in pain. So much so obvious. Theo knew that the memories were forcing their way in - causing her to feel a storm of emotions and he was the one who caused it. Theo hating himself for causing her to feel this way. "Happy birthday, sweetheart." Without realizing it, Claire stood beside him and leaned towards to give him a tender kiss on the side of his head. "Close it before you leave okay," was all she said before leaving with Stefan's old leather jacket.

Theo stared down and much like his mother, emotions were bubbling within him. With delicacy, he picked up Stefan's old jersey and stayed silent. He pressed it against his chest, closed his eyes and it took his mind back to childhood memories of happiness and warmth. He could hear laughter, both of his parents and his. He could recall the happiest moments in his life, ones that weren't filled with his mother's sad eyes. He could see his papa alive, running around while chasing him and Lottie. He could hear his papa's "I love you's".

Suddenly the memories were gone, his eyes opened burning with determination, "I'll make it right," he said, clenching the piece of fabric. "Just wait a little longer, papa."

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