"Hi Skool Sux"

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((melodrama warning))

Est. February 2020

It's the pain of my eyes to watch, but never know.

I believe high school is a personal hell for people like me who get the labels I do.



And anciently,


I hope one day pop culture and fast fashion evolves past the forced individualist use of "anti-social"

It's cool to be quiet, or, for me it used to be

It brought up queries about why I was the way I was, and who doesn't like talking about themselves?

Before, it made me smart and mysterious, and I liked it that way

But I guess the general consensus of high schoolers also like herding into their respective groups

Saved seats and places to eat at lunch time, the most socially important part of high school

Gerrymander the cafeteria at the beginning of each year

Everyone in their own safe factions where they never awkwardly stand in the middle of the room looking for the miscellaneous table of disabled kids, non-english speakers, and foster kids

In a way, high school reminds me I still have much more life to live,

Because I know for a fact, this isn't it

Or at least that's not what the adults who sense my discontentment with my peers say

They were probably losers too

18 Years of God Damn Bullshit: A MemoirOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz