The Storm

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"This won't HURT at all.." -Kidnapper

"He's QUIRKLESS." -Quirk Doctor

"C'mon Izu, I made Katsudon! Your favorite!" -Inko Midoriya

"No!! Neii-chan!! Momma!"- Izuku Midoriya 'Me'


(Izuku's P.O.V)

I woke up with blinding light in my eyes, and a fuzzy and hazed mind. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust as I blinked a few times. When my eyes completely adjusted to the brightness of the room I sat up, but I immediately regretted that decision. I groaned in pain though I pushed through it, and I forced myself to sit up completely. Someone immediately pushed me back down on the bed- wait... I'm on a bed? I haven't been on a bed in 10 years. "You need to lay down, you have more injuries than I have had cups of coffee in my life." said a voice that I soon recognized as Shota Aizawa also known as Eraserhead.

I groaned in disapproval but I nodded letting him know that I wouldn't get up. "Good," he said as he sat back down, and another person came into the room. "Hello, My name is Detective Tsukauchi. I'm here to ask you a few questions," he said as he sat down in a chair across from the caterpillar known as Aizawa. "Alright.." I said with a sigh as I memorized his voice and name.

The detective was clearly put off by my monotone and emotionless voice as his eyes widened in surprise. "F-first question, What is your name?" he asked getting out his notebook and pen and gathering himself from the shock. "Deku," I said with my monotone voice, hoping the detective would let it slide. "False, what is your REAL name?" he asked with a sigh as he looked at the beaten and battered teen. "Fine. Izuku Midoriya." I said sighing with a small grumble.

"True, Alright! Next question. How old are you, Midoriya?" he asked writing down what I assumed was my name. "Call me Deku," I said, narrowing my eyes at him. I didn't feel comfortable with that name anymore. "I don't really know... I think maybe 13 or 14." I said with my cold and monotone voice. "T-true... Alright- ehm... Next question. What happened to you?" he asked writing down what was assumed to be my age.

"I was kidnapped by some villain organization called the League of Villains or L.O.V for short. I was tortured, abused, raped, imprisoned, starved, and trained. A lot of training.." I said with a sigh as the memories burned through my head. They were unpleasant to remember, and I felt like I should be sad.. but I couldn't. "T-true.. oh my god.." he said writing down what I had just told him and clearly incredibly shocked by the fact of what happened to me.

(Detective Tsukauchi's P.O.V)

I was called in by the, Under Ground Hero: EraserHead, which was surprising, as he never asks for help. I was told that there was a teenage boy that had fatal injuries from god knows where. Was he abused? Bullied? Maybe suicide attempt?. I quickly left the police station, and drove to the hospital that EraserHead told me about.. 'What happened to this kid? Why was he hurt? How old is he? Is he being abused? Bullied? Maybe suicide attempt?' thoughts ran through my head as I reached the hospital. I walked in and noticed the normal orderly manner besides a freaked-out receptionist. "Excuse me, but I'm here to see the person in room 308," I said to the shaken receptionist. She looked at me with horror "A-are you sure? That kid looks like a demon reincarnated. He was so wounded I thought he was dead.. it's incredible as to how he's still even alive." the receptionist said. I was a bit flabbergasted by what she had said, but I nodded in approval. I was sure that I wanted to go and see that kid, even more so now that I know he's like that.

I was told to go on ahead so I got in the nearest elevator and rode it to floor 3. I walked out and followed the given instructions which were surprisingly helpful. Normally receptionists don't know the layout of the hospital, as it is found unnecessary for them to know. I knocked gently and walked in to see EraserHead clearly upset with a cup of coffee in his hands. I looked at him and he just nodded and gestured to the now awake teen. I looked at the teen, and my eyes widened. 'Just what the hell happened to him?' I thought to myself as I walked over to a nearby chair. I sighed and gather my thoughts together 'Only one way to find out.'  I thought to myself.

"Hello, My name is Detective Tsukauchi. I'm here to ask you a few questions." I said as I pulled out my trusty notebook and pen. The kid sighed "Deku.." he had said. When I heard that I was surprised.. that meant useless. The other thing that surprised me was that he said it in the most monotone and emotionless voice I have ever heard, and it should not be a teenager having such a voice. My quirk told me it was false which I was relieved and confused about. 'Why would this kid lie about having a name that meant Useless?' I asked myself still shaken. "False, what is your REAL name?" I asked putting emphasis on the real part. "Fine. Izuku Midoriya" he said with a small sigh. His name was familiar, but I didn't know from where. It was correct which I was glad about.

I sighed and wrote down his name "True, Alright! Next question. How old are you, Midoriya?" I asked expecting him to be at least 16. "Call me Deku," he said narrowing his eyes at me. 'Why would he demand to be called useless?'  I thought as I scribble down to call him Deku as he preferred. "I don't really know... I think maybe 13 or 14," he said with a small audible sigh. I froze 'This kid was only 13 or 14.. and- just- what the hell? Why is this true?' I thought to myself as I was almost completely shattered from what I just heard. Someone so young that sounded and looked like they went through hell and back. "T-true. Alright- ehm. Next question. What happened to you?" I asked praying that he wouldn't break down or start crying. Though to my surprise, he didn't even flinch when I asked.

"I was kidnapped by some villain organization called the League of Villains or L.O.V for short. I was tortured, abused, raped, imprisoned, starved, and trained. A lot of training.." he said with clear discomfort. 'It was true. Wait.. the League had something to do with this kid? This is terrible.' I thought to myself as my heart shattered at the thought of just what he went through. "T-true.. oh my god.." I said writing everything down at a fast pace. I couldn't believe what this kid went through. "Last question, kid. How long were you kept there?" I asked hoping it wasn't too long. He could hate heroes because of this because no one came to save him.

"When I heard what the date was... I think I was there for 10 years. Since I was maybe 3 or 4 when I was taken. I think it was 4 cause I had already been told about my quirk." he said which broke me. '10 years.. in a living hell hole. That could drive someone insane. Wait- it's only half true..' I thought to myself as I realized that not everything was true. A nurse ran into the room and looked at me with shock "This kid had more than one quirk! From what we have gathered he not only had the three main ones that were diagnosed when he was a kid but he now has over five new quirks! This is insane!" she said as he gasped for air clearly having run all the way here.

I was shocked, just how many quirks did this kid have? I would save this for next time, because I promised that, that was the last question. I sighed "I'll ask about your quirks when I come by tomorrow. For now, get some rest, and thank you for your cooperation and information." I said as I waved goodbye to the teen, and nodded to the nurse. The nurse left and so did I. I quickly left with all of my information and took it back to the police station. I looked up the kid's file, and found out that he was pronounced dead 10 years ago.. he wasn't lying about how long he was there. He was supposedly four at the time, which would make him 14 now. I was glad I had more solid evidence but mortified because of what happened to this kid.

'What would happen now?'


A/N: New P.O.V today! I hope you all enjoyed it, and I'm sorry for the wait! It's not perfect of course, but when this story is finished it will be edited. I hope everyone has a good day/night! Leave constructive criticism or ideas that you have! Bye! Author Abel-chan out!

(Word Count: 1430)

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