"I checked the reports to see her next off day so we could hang out- I should've put two and two together. I can't believe I just thought she was lying to spend more time with Erick no... I'm so sorry." Ember whispered, her voice cracking in the middle. Her heart continued to race faster. Breaking a little more with every beat.

Peter felt a light touch on his arm, Sirius was pointing out into the hallway. Wordlessly, he left Ember's arms- kissing her forehead for reassurance- and went out with Sirius. No doubt Sirius wanted to apologize to him for acting the way he did.

"Emmy, It's not your fault. Dumbledore is coming. It'll be okay. If anything you saved us. You saved Harry, you saved me." He soothed her, brushing her hair back with his right hand, the left intertwining with hers.

the girl bit her lip harshly. Her world was falling apart. "She was a bridesmaid at our wedding... she helped me give birth to harry, James. I trusted her with our son. I made the biggest mistake trusting her. I should've never trusted her. I was blinded by her love for Erick and her job. Her kindness even. Merlin! I am so stupid. I just had to write it down."

He shook his head, holding her tighter. "It's not your fault, I promise you, Emmy. The only thing gone now is our house. We can get a new house. The good thing is that we're still alive. Harry's alive, You're alive, I'm alive."

"Indeed. Your husband is correct Miss Potter." A calm voice spoke calmly behind them. "None of this was your fault. I have Aurors and the order tracking down Miss Wilson now."

Ember nodded slowly, her nose crunching together. She gave the man a harsh look,"Do you know everything that happened tonight, Dumbeldore. I died. James died. God, I'm sure that Harry died. I'm back alive now. My best friend was said to be the person who betrayed us. All because of that stupid bitch who I single handedly trusted with my life. I want to be the first to talk to her when you find her. And if you can't find her, I will." Her voice held the 'mom' tone people rarely heard. It was intimidating even to Dumbledore.

"I respect your wishes, Ember. I do believe Miss Wilson will need a stern talking to after this." He nodded, "Let us leave this broken house. Its in shambles now."

"A stern talking to my ass. I'm gonna go Sirius on that hoe," She muttered, picking up a now awake harry from his crib. "Oh yes, I am, Harry. I am going to go full mom mode on Kaylee. You can join me."

Harry giggled and hid his face in his hands. Oh, if only he could understand the events that took place on October 31, 1981. He was close to being an orphan. He would've been one in another life if Ember didn't have Estelle as a grandmoher.

"I can't believe we didn't die..." Said James, joining the three. "Dumbledore do you think he is dead... actually dead."

He smiled at them. Not a fake one. Not a 'sorry'. A real genuine smile. "I do not believe tom will be returning after tonight. People may believe Harry to be the one that fully ended him but I don't think they'll know he was weakened to a great extent after he killed you and Ember. Harry had completely removed him. Not only did your deaths weaken him... I don't believe you know what Horcruxes are... but he made six. Regulus Black had destroyed all of them but the one that ended his life. I know where it's located.

"Ember, Im not sure if you are aware but Mr. Regulus Black asked after his death... after the war. If you would be the one to destroy the final one... would you like to destroy the final Horcrux," Dumbledore asked.

Ember knew what they were. though, Estelle made them seem like a fairy-tale. that they weren't real. "Hell yeah."

She would be the one to get rid of Voldemort. She would do it for Ophelia, Gideon and Fibian, Reglus, Marlene, and mia and Monty. She would do it a thousand times if it meant the end of this horrid war.

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