71-October 31, 1981

Start from the beginning

Harry was playing with lock son the floor as James and Ember snuggled up on the couch. Romeo and Juliet sat on her lap as she whispered the words to James. Her hand was brushing through his messy hair and his was rubbing her wrist that was holding the book up. They relished in the moment, nearly letting the worries of the future out of their minds.

The blue eyed boy looked up from his blocks, getting up to join his parents. He found the most comfort in being right next to Ember, nearly falling off of the couch but going to sleep nonetheless. Once Ember was sure her son was asleep, she closed the book. James looked up to his wife, taking in her dark under-eyes and tired expression. "Em?" He whispered, shuffling slightly so he could brush her hair behind her ear. "You can go to sleep." James said softly.

Ember shook her head, "You know I cant. Anything could happen. I cant be asleep when I should be with you and Har." The woman muttered, her eyes leaving James and staring at the small bit of grey light shining in from the window.

"It wont count for anything if you're tired, love. You need to get sleep, alright? Its halloween, we can do something later. Just get some sleep." He delicately told her before he picked up Harry and disapeared upstairs.

She watched him go, rubbing her eyes wih her hands before sighing loudly and standing up to go to her lonesome bedroom. She did believe James would join her or wake her up before dinner. It was only early morning on Ocober 31, 1981. They still had the rest of halloween to watch scary films or tell spooky stories to Harry.

She drifted off slowly. Her brain was running to wild for her to fall asleep quickly. Too many thoughts... too many unfinished sentences that would forever remain ellipses. No full stops being used to describe the endless wave of thoughts in her mind at all moments.

Eventually, the bed dipped, James climbing in next to her. The black and white clock on the wall read 11:26 meaning it took him ten minutes just to get Harry down for bed.

With Ember still in her dream land, James brushed her hair back soothingly. She knew of the nightmares she dreamt of every night. He just wanted to soothe her in any way possible.



You have so much more to do.


Does death hurt?


Times running out.

Harry woke her up with his crying. The hand clock that was hung on the wall read 4:36 meaning they had slept most of the afternoon. One thing Ember did not want to do.

She groggidly got up, got Harry to stop crying, and started on dinner. James came out of the bedroom not to long later, kissing her forehead. "Smells good." He told her happily.

Around 5:00 they set down and began to eat, Harry just eating mashed potatoes. They finished quite quickly and gathered in the living room.

"Look!" Harry giggled, holding up a drawing of messy lines and circles.

Ember laughed. She surveyed the drawing with a large grin. "It's very pretty-"

However, she never got to finish her sentence. Loud rattles broke through the home. Their eyes jumped together, minds going to the worst place. "No..." Ember whispered, picking up Harry quickly.

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