Cisco and Caity

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Caitlin was working on something till her older Brother Cisco walked in. Cisco said"Caity? What're you doing"? Caitlin said"Nothing". Cisco said"Is that the Speed bosooka?! Caitlin"?! Caitlin said"We don't need this one Anymore we've got the other one you made and Besides I need to make something to Help Dad". Cisco said"You should've for Permission Caity"! Caitlin always felt bad when her brother raised his voice at her. Caitlin said"I'm sorry Cisco". Cisco said"Don't think that you're not in Trouble Caity". Cisco grabbed her wrist and walked to his workroom,locking the door and sat on  the chair. Caitlin said"Cisco,pls don't Bubba"! Cisco pulled Caitlin over his lap. Caitlin was usually good but Today she did something Naughty. Cisco lifted up her skirt and took down her tights. Caitlin said"Bubba,No"! Cisco said"Sorry baby sis but I gotta do it". Cisco had a brush in his hand. Caitlin said"No"! Cisco raised the brush and began to spank her. Caitlin was crying. Cisco said"Are ever gonna forget to Ask permission again"?! Caitlin said"No,Bubba"! Cisco said"Almost done Caity". Cisco laid down the last 20 smacks then put her tights back in place and fixed her skirt before helping her up. Caitlin said"Bubba,I'm sorry"! Cisco said"Shh,It's ok. Your forgiven Caity. Do you wanna cuddle"? Caitlin nodded. Cisco picked her up and sat down on the couch,holding her close to him. Caitlin said"Cisco? Why did Dad start spanking us"? Cisco said"Because it's the punishment besides grounding that works". Caitlin said"Ronnie and Summer are lucky they don't have to deal with Dad anymore,But we don't wanna leave Daddy because we love him too much to leave him". Cisco said"You got that right Caity,You wanna watch a Movie,I can play it on my computer"?. Caitlin said"Sure. How bout Superman"? Cisco said"I was thinking Wonder Woman". Caitlin said"I'm fine with that". Cisco put the movie on. 20 minutes later Caitlin was asleep. Cisco smiled and kissed her forehead. Cisco soon joined her after watching half the Movie...

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