Barry fights Cisco

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Barry was Running around on the track. Cisco said"Barry,Take a break Cuz". Barry said"No,Thanks". Cisco said"I ain't Asking I'm telling you,Take a Break". Barry said"I don't want to take a Break"! Cisco said"Don't yell Barry. If you fight me you'll be over my knee". Barry said"Fine,4 minute brek". Cisco said"No,10 minute break". Barry said"Ugh,Cisco"!! Cisco Said"Bartholomew"... Barry said"Fine"! Barry gave in and took a 10 minute break. Cisco and Caitlin where doing stuff their dad wanted them to do. Barry was on the track for atleast 2 hrs. Cisco said"Barry,Enough. No more track Today". Barry said"No,I want to do more and you need to Buzz off"! Cisco said"You better watch that tone". Barry tried to go back onto the track,but Cisco grabbed him and said"What is with you Today? I thought you could do less training and Not have to argue with you about having a break but No". Cisco sat down and pulled Barry over his lap. Barry said"Let me go"!! Cisco took off his belt,pulled down Barry's Pants and underwear. Cisco showed Barry what he's using and said"Your behavior today lil'cuz was Unacceptable and Rude. You deserve a belting for how you acted towards me today and I'm sure Hunter's gonna ask me if you behaved". Cisco,raised his belt and began spanking him. Barry was crying and kicking his legs. Cisco said"Don't make me have you bend over that desk,Stop kicking or else". Barry stopped. Barry said"I'm Sorry Cisco! Pls stoooop"! Cisco said"12 more Barr. Then we're done". Barry nodded. Cisco gave him the last 12 and let him up. Barry wanted a hug. Cisco said"C'mere cuz". Cisco hugged him tight and wiped away his tears. Then they went back into the cortex. Hunter said"Theres my pup! I've missed you Baby Bro". Barry said"I missed you too". Hunter looked to Cisco and said"Was he good"? Cisco said"Not really,His attitude was Bad and he argued with me about taking a break from training". Hunter said"Ok. Did you spank him"? Cisco said"Yes. Belt on a non-covered bottom". Hunter said"Ok. C'mon let's go home Baby boy". Hunter and Barry sped on home... THE END.

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