Barry in Trouble

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Barry was Running around on the track a lot,Needing to get Faster. The alarm sounded,Barry rushed out of the track and grabbed his suit. Harrison said"Barry"! Harrison put on his ring,his suit came out and rushed in front of it. Harrison ran after the 22 yr old. Barry was fighting the Thug by himself til' Harrison began to fight the Meta as well. After the Fight... Harrison dragged Barry back to STAR Labs. Harrison said"Bartholomew,That was was Dangerous"! Barry said"At least we got the Bad guys and Stopped them with that tech for a Weapon". Harrison grabbed Barry by the heim of his suit,Dragging him into his office and locking the door. Harrison said"Why did you go Alone"?! Barry said"Cause I wanted to Stop the Bad guy! I'm the Guardian Angel of Central City! It's my responsibility"!! Harrison grabbed his wrist and said"You do not yell at me,you understand? I don't tolerate that from my kids and I don't tolerate this from you". Barry said"Let go"! Harrison said"Stop this. Barry tried to pry his Uncle's hand off of his wrist. Harrison walked towards his desk chair and sat down still having a grip on Barry. Barry said"No, pls don't"! Harrison said"I can and Will. I've done it Plenty of times before,And I'm gonna do it". Barry threw himself onto the floor to resist being pulled over his Uncle's lap. Barry was defiant. Harrison's 8'10 and Barry's 4'9. Harrison Said"You're just making this harder for yourself. Now get up"! Harrison stood up and picked him up,laying the young hero over his lap and took off his belt while bringing down Barry's Pants. Harrison raised his belt and began whipping his Nephew's bottom. Barry began crying and kicking his legs. Harrison said"Stop kicking your legs,or your Undies come down". Barry stopped kicking his legs,not wanting his Undies pulled down. Barry said"I'm Sorry Uncle Wells! Pls S-Stop". Harrison said"Just 20 more Bear. These are gonna be Harder ok"? Barry nodded and braced himself for the last ones. Harrison laid down quick and fast. Harrison said"We're done,But I want you to do some time in the corner. I do the same thing to your cousins". Barry nodded and went to the corner. Harrison said"12 minutes,then we'll snuggle". Barry nodded. After 12 minutes... Barry was let out of the corner and Immediately threw himself into Harrison's arms desperately needing it. Harrison just sat there and held him,Til' he eventually fell asleep.

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