Harrison taking care of Sick Barry

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Barry told Hunter that he felt a little dizzy this morning,so hunter gave me some  Medicine 💊 and they went to STAR Labs. At STAR Labs... Barry was on the Speed Track with his big brother,but Barry fainted and Fell on his face which he ended up getting a cut on his forehead. Hunter picked him up and said"Let's get you to Uncle Wells". Hunter went out of the track and found Harrison. Harrison said"What Happened"?! Hunter said"We where on the speed track and he just fainted". Harrison said"Here lay him down in the Medbay". Hunter heard the alarm and said"I'll handle it". Harrison said"Go! I've got him". Hunter rushed off and went to the Crime Scene. Harrison put an IV in Barry's arm. Barry woke up and said"U-Uncle W-Wells? What happened"? Harrison said"You fainted on the track kiddo,You have a fever bear". Barry said"I felt dizzy this morning and Hunter gave me some Medicine 💊,on the track I felt sick". Harrison said"Well you've gotten sick kiddo". Barry said"The IV hurts,Uncle Wells". Harrison said"I can't take it out yet,Barry. Hunter would kill me if I take it out". Barry said"Where's Hunter"? Harrison said"Hunter had an Emergency to Tend to,A high speed chase Robbery. He'll be back later". Later... Harrison had taken out the IV since the fluid bag was empty. Barry rushed to the Bathroom and threw up. Harrison picked him up off the bathroom floor. Harrison said"C'mon kiddo,Let's get you back in Bed and I'll get you some Juice and some medication Nephew". Barry held onto his Uncle as Harrison carried back to his Bed 🛌. Once Barry was on his Bed,Harrison got some Apple juice and put Barry's Medicine in it. Harrison said"I got your Jucie". Harrison helped Barry drink it so wouldn't spill. Barry said"Hunter,Where's Hunter"? Harrison said"He's on his way". Hunter sped into the building. Harrison said"Your Pup's been asking for you". Hunter said"Well he's sick Harrison and He wanted to come here". Harrison said"I just got him to sleep". Hunter said"Ok,I'll be in the workshop". Barry suddenly woke up and sped into the bathroom,Throwing up,again. Harrison Said"Barry? You ok kiddo"? Barry ssid"N-Need H-H-Help". Hunter said"What's wrong"? Harrison said"Your Pup's Throwing up. For the 2nd time Today". Hunter said"He's your Nephew,You've known him longer Than I have". Harrison said"My Little Hero is easily prone to Sickness,You've just gotta take care of him". Hunter said"I love him and I hate seeing him like this". Barry was back in bed,He was still kinda crying. Hunter went over to him,picked him up and began to sing to him.

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