Chapter 20: The End Will Always Be Where We Begin

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Trigger Warnings : Hyperventilation, A LOT of Panicking, Minor Mentions of Death, Abuse and Self Harm and.... that's it!

Before we get into the last chapter, I would like to say a big thank you to all of the readers that made it to this point. Thank you for sticking around this book for the past several months, no matter how long it may take me to upload. I appreciate all of you and I will keep on presenting you all my work and crafts. Thank you for giving me a chance. :)

As Dream walks up to the portal, ready to travel towards his chosen destination and accept his inevitable fate, a sudden light tug half on the fabric of his hoodie and half on his right wrist, prevented him from leaving, pulling him back.

His head flicked around towards the force that was restraining him back, his departure delayed from happening. Just when he was about to leave the spirit realm, did something really needed to get in his way right at this particular moment?

He stared at the grip on his wrist, a hand locked and intertwined tightly through the small little cracks of his fingers. The fingers of the hand looked rather beautifully narrow, although it was a bit pale almost translucent in color.

The ring finger was significantly longer than the index by a centimetre or two, signifying that the beholder of this hand was definitely a woman. A spark of an idea begun to take shape in Dream's head and imagination, he might have a blurry knowledge of who was behind him, holding him back.

His gaze travelled up the arm of the restrainer, white milky skin although battered wounds were scattered all over alongside purplish and reddish bruises and contusions. Even if Dream wasn't the one to behold those gnarly wounds, he couldn't help but to flinch and shrivel at the painful state of the person's arm.

"Dream.. or should I call you Clay instead?" a sweet soft angelic voice entered his ears, the gentleness of the tone made his heart quiver; it was almost as if he was talking to a literal angel in some sort of a fever dream.

The blonde's emerald green eyes were met with a slim figure followed by strands of golden brown hair, decorating the beautiful smile radiating from the individual's pretty face.

"Y-you are Hailey Rivers... right?" Dream asks the translucent yet softly painted female figure that was grabbing his wrist tightly.

A nod of confirmation was given by the brunette before her lips opened up to speak, "Yes, I am the Hailey Rivers, the famous YouTube star." she said confidently, her smile had yet to fade away from her expression.

Dream took a step backwards, a short sharp exhalation of air escaping his mouth momentarily as he was flabbergasted by the reveal; never in his life would he ever thought of meeting someone who was dead or even in this kind of place and time.

The information thunderstruck Dream, just when he thought that things couldn't get anymore mind blowing.. this particular moment in time might have topped everything that had came before it. He was currently staring face to face, interacting with a wandering soul of a famous dead YouTuber whose mystery he cracked and threw the culprit into solitary confinement, who was his nemesis and also a murderer of multiple people.

Just that statement on its own already sounds unbelievable and utterly ridiculous, but then again he was living through that certain situation, wasn't he? Even if he didn't want to believe anything that is happening in front of his eyes, he had no choice but to comply with the dreamy reality he was in.

"Firstly, I want to say thank you so much for joining me here in this realm.." Hailey said softly, putting her hand on Dream's shoulder gently. She had a nice smile plastered on his face which made Dream feel significantly comforted by her presence, just like how she was also pleased to see another lonely spirit wandering aimlessly in the dimension of souls.

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