Chapter 19 : Stay Close or Let Go

Start from the beginning

Despite being known as the blood god, he was quite squeamish when he sees blood for real. His online persona was all about a block game where he slices and dominates everyone with a baked potato in his hand, not dealing with homicidal lunatics who decided to attack his friend and rival.

"DREAM!" George screamed as he notices that Dream's eyelids were slowly lowering down, nearing closing both of his eyes shut. He softly taps the blonde's cheeks in order to make him stay at least somewhat awake; however, it wasn't very effective as Dream was beginning to be unresponsive to all calls and motions.

Panic rose significantly in all of their minds, if Dream dies who's fault was it going to be? Jake or all of them? Jake did do all of this to Dream, but they were the reason that Dream had go through all of this hellish journey of a torturous 3 months.

"DREAM! I SWEAR DO NOT DIE!" Sapnap shook Dream's frail body vigorously in an attempt of shaking him awake and away from Death's Door. If his best friend really dies, not only does he loses a childhood friend but he would also carry the guilt of being part of the cause and reason of Dream's death. Generally, everything wouldn't be the same if Dream was gone from this Earth.

As they were continuously pleading for Dream to stay awake in the drenching rainfall, a police officer approached them silently from behind; he was trying his best not to startle the weeping 8 witnesses of the crime.

"Excuse me, sorry for interrupting." the officer spoke up, clearing his throat before doing so. All of their attention diverted towards the man of the law. "I understand that your friend is very important to all of you, but according to the law, we need to bring all of you or at least some of you with us, for further question and information about the case." the officer explained in a gentle yet stern tone of his voice.

"I can go officer." Sapnap volunteered to cooperate with the police, he wanted to punch a particular someone in the face anyways and this would be a free ticket to that. A right hook to the center of that British fuck's face would satisfy his needs and desire of punching Jake.

Bad, Wilbur and Techno also volunteered to go with the police alongside Sapnap, with the reason that they were the most mature out of the bunch and would definitely not freak out under pressure when interrogated for answers and details.

"Alright, then it is settled. You 4 please come and follow me towards the vehicle and we will escort you to the nearest police station headquarters." the officer lead Sapnap, Wilbur, Bad and Techno towards the police car, where another officer possibly their colleague was waiting in the driver's seat, ready to set off to the station.

The 4 of them hopped in the back seats of the car, sitting silently as the officers quietly sort out all of their paperwork into a neatly filed document.

They gulped down a gob of saliva in their throats, swallowing down the nervousness that was building up in the surrounding atmosphere, they were leaving Dream in the hands of the other 4 and the paramedics that will soon arrive.

As the police cruiser's engine purred and the wheel began rolling down the road, in their heart, they hope that Dream would come out of this well and alive.

Shortly after the police had gone from the scene, the ambulance had quickly arrived afterwards, upon receiving Bad's urgent call pleading for medical assistance.

Paramedics vivaciously and instinctively rushed over and swarmed to the bleeding Dream on the ground. Lifting the blonde's lifeless body onto a gurney, before stuffing him into the back of the vehicle.

The remaining 4 of his friends stood there frozen still, as the chills in their bones shivers them to their very core. Their hearts and minds were quite panicked, staring at their friend's body, covered with gnarly wounds, scrapes and abrasions.

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