Chapter 14 : Amusement Park Panic

Start from the beginning

He sighed along a muted sob as he wipes out the egg stain on the floor. Why does he have to make everything go wrong?

"Good morning, Dream!" said Bad happily as he brewed himself some coffee. Dream nodded as a response, throwing the wasted egg into the garbage bin.

"May I help you?" Bad asked, leaning on the marble counter whilst patiently waiting for his coffee. Dream considered the thought for a moment, some assistance would be appreciated but Dream felt bad for it. He didn't want to make them do anymore work especially when they are the guests.

"Do you really want to? I feel bad for making you do it..." Dream replied as he grabbed another egg, this time slamming it against the bowl, breaking the shell open before putting it into the bowl.

Bad sighed exhaustedly, he hated how Dream is still so stubborn about how its okay for them to help but he wouldn't let them do it.

He was pushing everyone away...

Bad frowned, perhaps this time he will have to let Dream do it his own way, if it is what he wants.

"Okay Dream, if you feel guilty of having us to do the jobs then I won't persuade you to let us do it..." Bad muttered silently before walking away out of the kitchen alongside his cup of warm coffee, stifling out a sniffle whilst doing so.

Dream did feel guilty, he made his friend walk away from him, presumably to go cry. Whatever he did or say will always result in some sort of depressive emotion.

He woke them up and now he had already made them cry in the first 15 minutes of waking up. What a great start to the day...

Crystal clear silent tears pricked at his eyes, the feeling of guilt was starting to overwhelm him. His hands and lips trembled uncontrollably as his breathing quickens, his lungs heaving loudly from the amount of cold air that was entering his respiratory system.

He collapses onto the floor in a fit of a mental breakdown. He buries his face in his hands, as he started to sob and cry. The back of his head leaned against the thin wall that was separating him and Bad, who was in the other room.

Bad, on the other hand, was also on the verge of tears. He shouldn't have introduced Jake to Dream. If he didn't, things wouldn't have ended up as it is right now. The sadness and nightmare that Dream was living through would never happen, but now it was a bit too late.

He brought his head down to the dining table's surface, as he joins Dream with a mental breakdown also. Dream and Bad cried next to each other with only the wall between separating both of them from seeing each other.

Two individuals who both made big mistakes that caused everything in Dream's life shatter into ruins. Funny how both of them said, to not blame themselves for what happened yet still they couldn't refrain from doing it themselves.

Bad regretted his decision of introducing Jake to Dream. Dream regretted letting Jake into his team, if he had turned down his opportunity, he wouldn't have ended up like this..

Dream and Bad always had each other to rely on; and both of them definitely didn't expect for them both to grow so far apart because of one guy.

If only both sides didn't abandon each other, they probably wouldn't be in a state like this.


Meanwhile... upstairs in George and Sapnap's room

The room was peacefully quiet and George was still in a deep sleep, although little did he know that his slumber will be tugged away by brute force.

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