Chapter 9 : 2 Minecraft Speedrunners vs 1 Nemesis and 7 Hunters

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"I have an idea for today... a HUGE one." Bad said, leaning his whole body forward onto the table. His eyes widening with excitement, especially when he emphasized the word at the end there.

"Let's do a giant Minecraft Manhunt!" Bad announced, hoping for a universally interested reaction.

Everyone either acted neutral or confused, why was this manhunt so important? "Why?" Sapnap asked, putting his utensils down flat beside his plate. Bad looked at him weirdly before continuing.

"Why not? You all can be hunters and hunt down Dream!" Bad reasoned, trying his best to pull everyone in on the idea. It seems that he will have to use a lot of convincing.

Meanwhile Upstairs....

Dream rolled around on his bed, he lifted up his sleeve and stared at the wound he made. His eyes then traveled up to his fingers which was also wrapped in white cloth. His left arm was basically mummified.

He sighed depressively as he glanced at the scissors that he used, the bloodstains were still there even if he tried to wash it away. His action couldn't be undone, his left wrist will leave scars that will always remind him of what he has done and what caused it.

Dream wondered, if he was to really commit suicide would his family be pleased to see him or will they be disappointed that their son cut his own life short? Perhaps he shouldn't have went to a last resort option that quickly?

"Clay? You okay, my human?" Patches meowed questioningly as she hopped on Dream's lap. She sniffed his clothes and was immediately worried.

'This scent... this is not okay.'

Fun Fact for the Day : Cats and Dogs can smell physical and psychological changes in humans due to illness through the scent of chemical changes. That's why pets like dogs are often found to be the savior of some people's lives.

Patches knew that her owner was depressed, being that she lived with Dream for the longest of time. She had been observing him since the day that Jake had taken over Dream's spotlight, and she was already seeing drastic changes in Dream's behavior. He was being less cheerful and Patches hated it. She misses the old Dream.

The old Dream was funny, caring and always in a cheerful mood. Now he was just so dull, still caring but he doesn't smile as much anymore, or at all should she say.

Being a cat makes her not being able to do much except for being a loyal pet and cheer him up as much as possible, even if it feels like it's futile.

Dream scratched the top of Patches' head lovingly, his lips tugged a small smile as he slowly pets the feline. It was delightfully relaxing as it kept out all of his thoughts for a while.

After a few more moments of therapeutic cat petting, Patches eventually fell asleep. Dream was pleased to see his beloved cat drifting off into dream land peacefully. He carefully carries her onto her cat bed in her very own corner of the room.

"Goodnight my princess." Dream whispered smiling, as he laid his cat to sleep.

But that temporary happiness had to come to an end when he hears footsteps marching up the stairs. Dream managed to roll down his left sleeve just in time for the door to suddenly burst open revealing Bad, who had excitement painted all over his face.

"DREAM!!!" Bad screamed at him, grinning from ear to ear. Dream was mildly terrified by the sudden excitement, last time he saw Bad he was on the verge of tears because he cut his fingers and somehow he's cheerful again?

"What Bad?" Dream asked, kind of on edge that it might be another request from Jake. "Manhunt Time!" Bad shouted merrily, flopping onto Dream's bed. He rolled around on it playfully for a while.

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