"Right now? Content but embarrassed."

"You don't have to be embarrassed. It happens to the best of us. You saw the state I was in sixth year. That was one of my weakest moments. Reality was cruel and crushing back then. It still is, but I'm learning to deal with it, one day at a time.

I'm guessing content because with how much you cried, you were holding that in for a while. You don't have to wear that mask anymore Potter. Not around me anyways. Whenever you need me, I'll be there to the best of my ability."

"I'll drop mine if you drop yours."

"I suppose you're my type and that can be arranged."

Harry's yell of "Malfoy!" was accentuated with a smack to the shoulder.

"I'd much prefer you yelling Draco."

Draco couldn't dodge the pillow that was thrown his way.

"I'm not sorry, that was funny."

"Yet you can't accept a compliment."

"What can I say? I'm an enigma."

"Big word for prat."

"You wound me Potter, truly. I thought we were having a moment and we were going to have hot-"

"Do not finish that!"

"Tea? What did you think I was... oh. OH. I'm not opposed to that either, but really Potter we've only just become friends and you haven't even kissed me yet. That's a bit presumptuous."

Harry was at a loss for words and fell silent.

"I'm just teasing you darling. Come on, I'll make you some hot tea."

Shaking his head, Harry watched Draco leave his room and head to the kitchen. He grabbed some blankets and headed down the hall to what he referred to as his safety room. There was a huge comfortable couch, a big tv, a record player as well as a stereo, and fairy lights strung up against the walls. It was where Harry went when he wanted to feel safe. Beanbag chairs were strewn across the room from the last time Neville had come over.

Harry didn't really like Ron and Hermione in his personal space. Hermione was truly wonderful, but she didn't like keeping secrets from Ron due to their relationship. Ron would come around in the end. Harry was 100% positive of that. Ron was dependable like that. They just had a lot of things to work through. For now, this was a secret.

Only Neville knew this room existed. And now, so would Draco. He guessed there was something about being so vulnerable with another person that allowed him to open up. Neville had always been there for Harry, no matter what. He was the first person Harry had come out as bisexual to. Because of this connection, Harry had little to no issue speaking with Neville. He knew he was safe and he trusted Neville with his life.

"Potter! Do you want popcorn? Kreacher said he'll make some."

Harry popped out of the room and nodded.

"Room across the hall from the gym."

"I would love a full tour of this house one day instead of your cryptic clues. But I'll meet you there in a few moments."

As Draco made popcorn with Kreacher's assistance, Harry pulled out some of his most comfortable blankets and pillows. He placed the pillows and all but one blanket on the couch. The remaining blanket went onto his beanbag chair. He dragged two in front of the tv and turned it on, opening Netflix.

With everything set up, he turned off the overhead lights, allowing the room to be illuminated by only the tv and the fairy lights. He waited outside the door for Draco.

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