The Night Of Remorse

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The stormy night, the howling wind, a downcast,dejected weather surrounds the distinguished Hogwarts. Dark ambiance with thunderbolt lightning the Surroundings.

Raindrops pitter pattering down the window. Albus Dumbledore seated in his office lost in deep thoughts about one of his Cherished students...The boy who made all the wrong choices.

Dumbledore was at a war with himself thinking if he was accountable for what the infamous Tom Riddle turned out to be.

Suddenly Professor Zander Clark A tall,well-built, middle-aged, sharply dressed man walks in..

"May I enter the room, Sir?" His jade-green eyes were a-flicker with curiosity over a genial smile.

As Albus Dumbledore's office door swung open, the headmaster swiveled in his high-backed chair to meet the unexpected guest. "Oh! Absolutely, Mr. Clark. You're always welcome," he greeted with customary warmth, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

Zander Clark, a man of imposing stature and discerning gaze, entered the room, his presence infused with a sense of purpose. His jade-green eyes, vibrant and unyielding, regarded Dumbledore with a keen scrutiny. "I couldn't help but notice, Sir, that you appear to carry a burden upon your shoulders. Is it, perchance, a weight tied to a certain individual?" His words were laced with a tone of both inquiry and understanding.

"Who? What are you talking about?" Albus denies.

Dumbledore, momentarily taken aback by the astuteness of the observation, inclined his head. "Whom do you refer to, Mr. Clark?"

"You know precisely whom I mean," Clark's voice held a quiet certainty, his gaze unwavering. "Riddle,sir."

Dumbledore acknowledged with a sigh, his eyes momentarily veiling the complexity that name entailed.

Albus Sighs..."The boy always seemed to be mysterious.Sometimes,I wonder if it was ever my fault..."
He seemed Striken by remorse.. "If only I had not introduced him to this world of magic. Perhaps he would not have treaded the perilous path he chose, and lives might have been spared." A pang of remorse echoed in his voice, the weight of hindsight settling upon his heart...only If..." He looked down dolefully.

"Yes sir. But , I don't think it's anybody's fault. It was destiny, the boy was destined to be a nightmare." Clark's response was marked by a quiet solemnity.

Clark's gaze remained unwavering, an emblem of empathy. "Destiny plays a hand in these matters as well. Riddle's fate was woven long before your guidance, Sir."

There was a Ray of hope in Clark's eyes which disappeared eventually.

"I wish she could've saved him...Saved us.."

"She?" Dumbledore's brows knitted, perplexity etched across his features.

"Don't you know? About Y/N?" Clark's words held a note of nostalgia, a memory buried within layers of time.

"Y/N?...yes I remember she was a very brilliant student indeed..but what about her? Y/N A name that rings a distant bell, but I recall her as a normal brilliant student. How is she connected to Riddle? I remember her as a quiet presence, far removed from his sphere of influence."

Clark nodded...Clark's gaze was steady, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. "She was quiet, yes, and kind. Yet, she shared a trait with Riddle – a thirst for power and recognition. Much like him, she was held in high esteem by her mentors."

Dumbledore was perplexed by Clark's words.
"Mr.Clark,You seem to be confused about Y/N. My recollections of Y/N are far removed from the persona you describe."

He added "She certainly was smart and a very good Student but,as I remember she was a shy and a very kind person."

Clark leaned in... "Sir, She was shy and indeed one of the kindest persons I've ever known but Something tells me she could've changed something."

Clark leaned in, his voice a reverent whisper. "There is more to her than meets the eye. While she was indeed kind and unassuming, I am convinced she held the potential to alter Riddle's fate."

Dumbledore's skepticism was evident, his thoughts carefully measured. "You propose that her presence could have shaped Riddle's path differently?"

Dumbledore first seems a little unresolved but after giving a Thought he concurred.

"Do you think she'll be willing to help us at this moment?" Albus inquires.

Clark smirks "At this moment?, absolutely not...In the present, I dare say it would be met with resistance. But in the past, when the threads of time were yet unfrayed..."

Albus leans in "So,you're implying that we...?"

Clark cuts through"It's dangerous ofcourse, Sir, for the girl as well as us , but If we have a chance to mend our present and past then why not?

A profound inhalation filled the room, and as Dumbledore exhaled, a resolute gleam entered his eyes. "Very well, Mr. Clark. Let us embark upon this endeavor, let's do it Mr.Clark...let's try our luck for one last time....this quest to recalibrate our shared history."

Clark's gaze held an unwavering determination. "Then, together, we shall endeavor to rewrite our destinies."

In that exchange, a pact unspoken was sealed, and amidst the echoes of a storm that raged outside, a path to alteration emerged – a chance to mend the strands of time that wove their fates together. In the crucible of their intent, hope kindled anew, and the promise of transformation beckoned like a distant light, guiding their way into the unknown.

Echoes of Ambition & Entwined Fates: The Enigma of Tom Riddle Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz