Chapter 17

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hello readers! so its been long since i last updated. sorry for the wait. my net is literally fuckin shit right now. its even hard to publish this one story. uh....... i asked my parents to fix the net but they are just like, 'i dont care. i have other things to do. stop annoying us. go die' 

ughhhhhhhhhh and the net fixing people are also just annoying af. we called them probably 3 times but they be like, 'we will need some more time. we are busy. the weather is the reason you dont have a good net. the rain is the reason. we cant help. '

so damn annoyinggggggggggg. but well ....... my another reason is ........ im not feeling inspiration these days. i just feel sluggish. i feel like a slime. just sleep all day and night. ughhh .......... nothing else to do. so boooooooorrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggg. 

alright u can read the story now. sorry for the waste of time. onto the story.

Izuku's POV

i took a bath and went out the door to go the dining room. when i was in the dining room, my mom said, "take a seat baby. i made some special food. i hope you enjoy them. oh and also! i forgot to tell you but, recovery girl said you were skinnier than other boys of your age. (sorry i forgot to add this thing in that chapter ...... im sooo dumb. i forgot !!! well either way .... enough of me blabbering) she was worried about you.

"mom mom! im fine. i will eat. alright? im not skinny." "you are izuku. you should take care of yourself. you work too much."

i can never win in an argument with my mom........its kinda funny though. haha...

i gave her a small nod and started putting some food on my plate. she helped me with it and we started eating. the food was really good. she made some ramen with deep fried chicken. it was so.......tasty. i can eat this every single day without getting bored.

when we were done eating, my mom told me to go rest a bit. i went to my room and locked it. i stood by the window and looked out the street. there were some kids running around in the distance. they kinda reminded me of kacchan. when we were kids he and i would play for so long and then our moms would come to pick us up. those were the fun days......

i miss them.

suddenly the kid who was behind the other kid fell. i was about to go help him (he was going to help him by going out of his apartment and to the kid in the street), i saw the other kid who was in front go help him up. the kid was injured slightly so the other kid held out a helping hand.

he took the injured boy on his back and started walking.

this reminded me of a moment .......

it was like deja vu.

there was also a time when i was hurt and kacchan carried me on his back ...... (the pic up there)

this memory made tear up.

i want to tell kacchan that it was not his fault. i dont blame him afterall. i loved him and ...... still love him. i dont want to see that hurt expression ever again. i have to fix this. i need to see kacchan. 

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