Chapter 19

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izuku's pov

when i feel sad, i listen to songs. i love songs. they make me feel emotions. but why do they? have we ever thought about it?

its because, songs represent our feeling. songs can be related to your story most of the times. thats why we feel many emotions when we listen to songs. it reminds us of moments or people. 

like the way it reminds me of kacchan. i was listening to some songs in youtube when, i found this beautiful song called 'stereo hearts'. its literally my feelings for kacchan. 

i feel like.......i should see kacchan. i want to tell him about how i feel. 

(its the same day when he saw those kids on the street. so im continuing from there.)

*time skip to next day at school*

i will find him first. then i can tell him. 

i go to the 1-A classroom to find him. but i see, he was not at school. he didn't attend school. but today i will tell him. no matter what.

i wait for the classes to end. i couldn't help but think about him all the time. i couldn't focus on anything. i was just spacing out. teachers noticed this and asked me if i was alright. i just said, 'im okay' or 'its ok im alright' as answer. but i was totally not fine. im worried about kacchan. i feel this gut feeling that something bad is going to happen. 

i pray to god that nothing bad happens. 

when school ended, i took my bag and ran out the classroom. i bumped into some people but i just didn't have time to aplogize properly. so i said sorry.

i ran to the teachers lounge. and then i ran to aizawa sensei. he was doing some paperwork. when he saw me approach him he leave the papers on his table and turned to me. i didn't know how to bring up the situation, but.....i said, "um.......aizawa sensei. i need someone's house address. its really important for me to go meet him. can you please give me bakugou katsuki's house address?" 

he gave me this 'what' look and said, "i get it midoriya that you want to go see bakugou. but what is the reason that you look so hasty?" "actually the thing is......well.....i cant actually explain what...but i just think something bad is happening. and i think i should go visit him. i cant tell you the reason but please help me." "if thats how it is........i can come with you. i just finished my work a min ago. i'll just take you to his home." (oh btw bakugou changed his house too. he came here so........he lives in a house in hokaido.)

when aizawa sensei said that, i couldn't say no to him. so i went with him. he went to go take his black car out of the UA base. when we reached kacchan's looked just like his previous house. um.....maybe somethings were different.

aizawa sensei and i went to the door to knock. auntie opened the door and said, "its izuku!! dear where were you??? katsuki was searching you all the time!!! he didn't even sleep properly thinking about you. im sooooo glad to see you. please come inside . and is that aizawa sensei? please come in sir."

"thanks auntie. but where is kacchan?" "he is in his room. he didn't come out of his room since yesterday. i called him for breakfast but he still didn't open the door. im worried about him. i think something happened at school yesterday. can you go check on him? i'll bring some snacks"

i went to kacchan's room without aizawa sensei and knocked on it. but i got no response. i called out his name and.......heard a shuffling noise. then after some time he opened the door. and he.......

hugged me? 

(he was wearing a black hoodie of some sort)

i was shocked with the sudden hug but i became normal after a while. i hugged him back and we stayed in that position for at least 5 mins. but when he realized what he did, he let go of me and backed away. he said, "im so sorry. i shouldn't have done that." and i looked at him with sad eyes and said, "kacchan.....there is nothing wrong. i am sorry you had to feel pain because of me. but i need to tell you something. and i mean it."

"Kacchan i liked you since i was 14. i admired you and was inspired by you. back then i thought i only liked you and wanted to be with you, but i was wrong. when i attemped that suicide, i was heartbroken and didn 't want to see you ever again. i thought i could live without you, but living without you is the hardest thing for me! i can never live without you kacchan!

I love you."

okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk that was all for today. thanks for reading this chapter. i know i know. this was a long-awaited proposal. you were waiting for this moment. i know. 

so tell me how u like it aaaaaaaaaand, im going to end this story. if u dont like the story......then i dont have anything to say.....heh. im just noob. but if u do like the story then!!! love u sooo muchhh!!! 

 ok bye see ya soon in next chapter. and listen up! imma make a new story with sad ending. sad ending lovers! show yourselves!

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