"I'm not tired or thirsty," Yan Sui said as he started to tighten his hold a little. Meng Ting was nearly squeezed in his embrace.

Meng Ting was a normal seventeen-year-old boy. His skeletal frame was naturally not too small. However, Yang Sui felt that Meng Ting's position in his arms was particularly suitable for him. As Meng Ting had said, they were very suitable for each other and matched in various senses.

Seeing that Meng Ting was still looking at him, Yan Sui asked, "Is it interesting?"

Meng Ting hesitated for a moment, and only then was he able to nod, "Not bad, even if it's strange in some respects. They said they hated each other, but they still kissed. Isn't it that only those who like each other could kiss?"

Meng Ting also knew that his belief was not necessarily right for the world, but he still said stubbornly, "In any case, I don't kiss people I dislike. I like to kiss you, Furball and Rhubarb."

Zhen Han and Nanny Wang's minds grew weak and numb when they heard this, let alone Yan Sui, who was facing Meng Ting squarely.

Although Meng Ting used these 'intimate words' subtlety to make Yan Sui stand side by side with Furball and Rhubarb, he was referring more to Yan Sui.

He reached out and ruffled Meng Ting's hair, then he also rubbed Meng Ting's cheek, "You're right."

Meng Ting was slightly taken aback when he heard this. He nodded happily and even came closer to say, "Yan Sui, you also think my opinion is right."

It felt nice to be acknowledged by Yan Sui. If no one else was around, he would have kissed Yan Sui. He thought about it and gently pursed his lips. Yan Sui also gazed at his lips.


"Ahem," Nanny Wang and Zhen Han both coughed to make their presence known, but they stood up in the end.

"I'll go back upstairs to the bathroom."

"I'll look after Furball and Rhubarb."

Before their wattage was completely depleted, the two finally found an excuse to leave that sticky living room which did not need a servant to stay for them.

Meng Ting looked back and saw that their retreating backs were completely gone. He no longer had any scruples; he just wanted to hold Yan Sui's hand and straddle across the man's legs.

He firmly held on Yan Sui and straddled across the man's legs. When it comes to possessiveness, Meng Ting might have wanted to surpass Yan Sui a little in terms of his words and deeds.

Yan Sui's face was overflowing with helplessness as he smirked; nevertheless, he indulged in Meng Ting's overbearing posture.

Meng Ting stuck close to Yan Sui's cheek and rubbed against it, "When they were here a moment ago, I had to endure and work hard not to hug you. Now, I want to hug you a bit longer."

"Okay," Yan Sui responded. His gaze fell on Meng Ting's curved eyebrows. He came a bit closer, then pecked on the space between Meng Ting's eyebrows. Meng Ting's eyelashes quivered gently, but he did not close his eyes; instead, he took the initiative raising his face, then he smiled and said, "I had to bear with not kissing you as well, now I can finally kiss you..."

Before Meng Ting could even finish his statement, Yan Sui sealed his mouth with his own lips, and immediately disposed of Meng Ting's uncertainty with this sudden action of his.

Meng Ting did not put forth more strength when he straddled over Yan Sui's legs; instead, he sat directly on Yan Sui's lap. Compared to Yan Sui, he was actually a little shorter, so this posture just complemented their unequal height.

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