"I feel okay." Was she lying? Maybe. She couldn't really tell if not feeling a hundred percent of emotions was okay, because it felt like she could only feel five percent of their intensity. Was there something wrong with her?

He stayed staring at her, his eyes clouding over with thought, the nuts and bolts in his head spinning. "Alright, if you feel like you're okay."

She gave him a smile, almost to reassure herself more than him that everything weird that was happening in her brain was completely normal, and there wasn't anything to worry about.

"What do you think Pluto is like?"

He didn't say anything for a few seconds, leading her to believe he wasn't going to answer her like he would usually do, or perhaps he didn't hear her. But when his lips parted from each other, like Moses parted the sea, his gravel voice was evident. "Cold. It's the one people can't decide if it's a planet or not, right?"

"He's a planet," she pouted, her bottom lip out and eyes looking like they were going to flood. "He's just small."

The corner of his mouth pulled back in a tight half smile, staring at her with laughter in his eyes. "He's just small, huh? Okay, flower," he said lightly, yet calm to the ears.

She gasped, "But he is a planet!" Her pout only deepened.

"Watch the movie," he told her, placing the tips of his fingers on the top of her head and turning her head back around, until she was facing the TV again. "And pay attention," he joked lightly.

Maddie huffed, crossing her arms over her small chest and leaning back into the couch, pulling her legs out in front of her, her cognac brown eyes staring at the TV screen playing the movie. They were watching Titanic, right? As she sat there quietly, watching the characters interact, she still felt out of place because she really couldn't remember watching the start of the movie.

As the time passed, watching as Rose clung to Jack's hand, flowing with the waves as they moved up and down ever so slightly. Jack's skin paler than Ros's, to ethe point he was almost blue and seconds later she was crying for him to wake up. Maddie scoffed at the character, mumbling, "Could've moved over."

A muffled sob was heard behind her. She drew her brows together as she turned her head to find Reece trying so hard not to cry, wiping his red and puffy eyes with the back of his hands. She smirked upon seeing him in this state, it was probably the first time she had seen him so vulnerable, letting his guard down to show his emotions to the characters on the TV screen.

"Are you crying?" she asked softly, afraid if she spoke any more louder she would frighten him. He tore his glossy eyes to her, his hazel eyes darker in colour, they were more of a burnt honey colour now. The blue specks in the bottom of his eyes, deeper in their cerulean pigment. She found herself getting lost in them, completely zoning out as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hands, drying them enough that it wasn't as noticeable. It was still noticeable, though, they were still pink and red in the sclera, irritated.

"Pfft, no," he said, looking into her eyes before staring away at something near the front door. His guard was back up, rebuilding the walls that were around his heart. She wondered when he'd let them crumble and let her in, because she really wanted to know his highs and lows in life. There was a seven year age difference between them, he was bound to know more about the world than her. He had experienced it and she was just learning to walk without training wheels. She wanted to know about everything during the time before they had even met.

She wanted to know everything about him. Start to finish. What was written on paper and what wasn't.

Shaking her thoughts off, gaining back her sense of reality. "You're lying," she told him, such confidence heard in her soft voice as she looked him dead in the eyes when he looked back at her.

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