Sickly Red

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Mikey's P.O.V. (THATS RIGHT?!)

I watched as she walked into her room saying goodbye in a distracted way before closing the door.

It was obvious that something had happened and she was reverting to the old days again, but we had bigger problems then that right now. Fuck.

"Gerard what are we gunna do?" I asked in a panicked tone. I turned to face him and saw that he was leaning heavily against the bench top.

"I -heave- don't -heave- know Mikes" he said before turning his head to the sink and vomiting a sickly red substance. Blood.

"WOAH! Dude you okay? Crap man!" Ashley said as he rushed to the vampire and helped him sit down.

"I'll get a bucket." Andy (B) said, returning a quite literally a second later with a bucket in hand. He placed it infront of Gee and quickly pulled Ashley away, afraid the now empty vampire would lash out.

"What the hell is going on guys?!" Bradie asked in a panicked tone. He and Andy C had been making sure Shadow was okay before coming out to the kitchen where the rest of us were.

"Her great-grandfather... Sam. He's coming for a visit." Gerard said quietly from his spot on the floor.

"Okay what's so bad about that?" Andy C asked, clearly confused.

"He has an army of vampires and says that if we don't give Shadow to him he's going to kill us all..." I answered him.

"We're not going to tho... right?" Jake asked in a scared voice.

"Course not. Why would we ever give our sister away." CC told him, wrapping his arms around him as he did. (A//N that's a lot of male pronouns...)

Yeah... Oh god why now? Those are my only thoughts as I sink to the floor next to my brother.

"Guys... someone needs to get Frank... The Hunters and their Angel... Tell mother..." the last words fall heavy from Andys lips, leaving a weight in the air.

"Sure..." I say showing and feeling no sign of moving.

"And Gerard probably needs blood..." Ashley says as an afterthought.

"Probably..." Gee echoes the word back tiredly.

"We need help." I hear Jake say.

"Yeah... maybe the Angels will help..." CC says in a soft tone.

"Doubtful..." Andy says.

"This place is a refugee for fallen angels and cast out demons... I doubt we'll get help from either species." Ashely says sitting down and placing his head in his hands.

Andy kneels next to him, pulling him into a hug which he great-fully returns.

"Hunters?" Bradie asks.

"Maybe" I reply.

We need help... oh god why now? Why so close to the blood moon? Why now after all this time? What happened that made him decide to want her now?

"This vampire. He's crazy isn't he? The blood moon won't affect just us. Everyone feels it. What happens if they're not secure when it happens?" Andy asked voicing my own fears.

"We pray to high hell that they kill each other before that happens." Gerard mumbles, leaning against me for support.

After a few minutes of silence I realized that Gerard wasn't moving.

"Gerard? Hey Gee! Brother! Hey come on. Get up Gee!" I started shaking him violently.

"Crap! Someone get blood! Please!?" I had started crying, there was no way I could handle what was happening if Gee decided to go full comatose on me.

I faintly remember someone pulling me away from Gee, still mumbling his name over and over. Laying me down on the couch and telling me to calm down.

But not before I saw Frank slitting his wrist and bleeding into my brothers mouth.

Not before I saw Gerard lurch forward and cling to Frank as though he was life.

And in that moment he probably was.



So any comments? No? Okay then.

Hmm so Sams gunna come fuck shit up... and Gees like dying or something... yep okay whatever 1 am me... whatever...

Do you want more chapters in other P.O.V? Let me know down below (note to self: this is written not a YouTube video loser)

Bye bye my hounds <3

Don't Go Into The ForestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora