It's Okay

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We went outside and headed in the direction of Mikey and I's house. Andy also lived near us so that made it a bit easier.

"Where are we going?" Sam asked.

"Well you need a place to rest and I'm frigin tired as hell so we're heading to our house to crash." I said, not bothering to look back at him.

"What's up with the tatts and scars creepy lady?" Ashley asked.

A big thud was heard a couple seconds after, making me think someone hit him on the head for being so rude.

I stopped, starring blankly in front of me.

"Shadow! Hurry up we can't be late!" He called to me, or was it thought seeing as we were both in shifter form?

"I'm coming! Wait up!" I thought back, trying to untangle myself from a trees roots.

He came back towards me and nuzzled my head gently.

"Don't worry Shadow, you'll get the hang of it soon." he told me.

"I know I know." I said biting through the last root and finally freeing myself.

We started to walk again, heading towards one of the towns surrounding the Forrest.

We both sensed it at the same time... but it was to late.

The hunters ran at us, bellowing insults and holding weapons over their head.

One of them had a net, made of metal with spikes and blades sticking out of it. He threw it at him.

I ran and pushed him out of the way, trapping myself under the net.

It cut into me, causing me to howl in pain. I could feel the blades digging deeper each time I moved so I stopped. I played dead.

And the hunters believed it. they turned their backs on me and closed in on him. I shifted, it took longer than usual because of the blade sticking into me and it took all I had not to scream in pain.

I pulled the net off, pulling the blades along my body as I did so.

Once it was off I leaped.

They had no clue what was happening. And they were dead within a minute.

But I was to late...

"Shadow! Shadow! Shadow please!" Someone was shacking me, begging me to wake up.

"I'm here." Was all I said.

Suddenly the arms weren't shacking me anymore, instead they were hugging me. Stroking my hair and hugging me as if the persons life depended on it.

I slowly wrapped my arms around them, resting my head on their shoulder.

"Jinxx?" I asked in a shattered voice.

"No Shadow, you did all you could." The voice said this as though it had to often, as though it was used to me asking this question.

They picked me up and cradled me gently, walking forwards in silence.

I felt them push open a door and continue walking, then they laid me on a bed.

I whimpered as they turned to leave.

"Don't worry Shadow, I'll be right back." they said.

I closed my eyes tight, waiting for my protecter to return.

After a few minutes I felt them lay down next to me, wrapping their arms around me.

I turned towards them and buried my head in their chest.

"It's okay Shadow, its okay." they said stroking my hair.

And so I slept.

All shall be explained! Maybe...

Hehe I couldn't think of who to make the mystery person be so I chose jinxx!

And don't worry as I said, all shall be explained!

Don't Go Into The ForestOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant