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The next day I regretted letting my guard down and letting Loki distract me.

"IM SORRY." I said for the fifth time that day.

I had been following Andy, Bradie and Shaun around for around 2 hours trying to think of what it could be that made them so angry at me for.

"Shadow... Do you even remember what yesterday was?" Andy asked quietly, not turning to face me.

"NO I DONT SO PLEASE TELL ME BOYS." I was past hysterical by now, partly shifted.

"Calm down sweet, it's not that bad." Bradie said trying to stop me from going into a state.

"Yeah we're just joking love, you didn't do anything." Shaun added.

"Then why..." I asked brokenly.

"Come here." Andy wrapped his arms around me, patting my hair and calming me down.

"It was the hunt last night Shadow. That's all." Shaun said watching as I slowly calmed down.

"The... hunt... right..." was all I said as I slowly sank to my knees while Andy still held me.

The night of the hunt. We where heading to the hunt that night. The last time I saw him breathing... he was so excited to show me the hunt, for me to be there. It was meant to be my first one... I had missed the one the year before.

"He was so excited..." I said sobbing into Andys shoulder.

"I knew we shouldn't have said anything..." Bradie muttered quietly.

"Maybe we should get Vladimir?" Shaun asked hesitantly.

"I'll get him" And with that Bradie was gone. (( AN god I'm horrible XD))

It didn't take long for him to come back with our all mighty and wonderful, self appointed pack leader Vladimir.

Okay maybe I'm being harsh. After Jinxx... went... he took it upon himself to be leader of the pack, because I was to upset to do it.

He is a tad arrogant though.

"Shite! Shadow, girl are you okay? What happened?" He said kneeling down next to me and pushing Andy away (which wasn't appreciated seeing as he gives the best hugs (after Mikey)).

So I just grabbed Andy's arm and wrapped it around me again. He seemed to get the hint because very soon after I was engulfed in another warm hug.

"Okay, no talking to me but hugging on of the ones that made you upset." Vlad said scoffing.

"You say you're in charge... you should have come get me. Its your job as 'leader' to make sure we're all there." I said quietly into Andy's shoulder.

"Maybe I just didn't want your bad luck rubbing off on me and landing me in the same position as Jinxx eh?" Was his reply.

This resulted in a lot of crying from me and A LOT of trying to keep me from killing either him or myself.

This also resulted in a trip to the infirmary for Vladimir and Shaun.

Vladimir for a broken nose... And a broken hand for Shaun because "His nose is freakin hard to break!"

While they went to the infirmary, Andy and Bradie decided that the best action to take would probably be to take me back home to the boys.

"Shadow what happened?!" Ashley asked when he opened the door.

"Hey Ash," I said "Andy."

"Umm do you want to go lay down Shadow?" Andy (the shifter one not the vampire one) asked me.

"Yes please..." I said quietly.

I was walking towards my room when Mikey and Gerard walked into the hallway. Gerard looked as though he was about to be sick (which was odd cause you know... vampire) and Mikey looked extremely worried.

"Hey Shadow... ummm..."

"Later Mikey... I need sleep..." I said in a monotone voice as I continued to my room.

"Uh okay... We'll tell you later" he said looking even more worried.

I continued to my room and stopped out side the door.


Well umm... okay???
Any suggestions for what I should do??? I'm kinda lost...

Also I have a surprise for the next chapter... If I stick to my current idea.

Bye, IH

((The video tagged is my cover of bmth drown so enjoy XD ))

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