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All I could hear was crying.

Mikey. Gerard. Andy and Ashley. The brothers. The boys. My family. My children and brothers and mother. Crying.

But when I opened my eyes it was quiet. The room was black and the only noise was that of a quiet breathing coming from the sleeping form of Mikey next to me.

I stood quickly and quietly as not to wake him and left the room. I almost tripped on the sleeping forms of Andy, Bradie and Shaun, guarding my door as wolves.

My bones were sore and I could feel them creaking in their sockets. Remembering I was a wolf when I collapsed I could only assume the witch forced me back, therefore my discomfort.

I walked to Gerard's room and cracked the door, only enough to see him asleep with Frank passed out next to the bed.

Tiptoeing into the lounge brought me face to face with Ashlee and Andy asleep on one of the couches, Sam on the other and Dean on the floor next to him.

Their angel was sat, meditating it appeared, out on the front porch, which I would just see from the hall.

It was quiet and peaceful and calm. I didn't want to ruin it. So I snuck out and shifted. Ran to the spot. And sat there for hours.

Richie found me eventually. Sat next to me in my wolf form and placed a hand in my fur.

"You saw him, didn't you?" He asked quietly.

I simply nodded against his hand.

"You must understand he couldn't stay. I summoned him but briefly to repair the damage he'd done, but one such as him cannot stay in our realm. He needs more time. Then he will return to you."

He stood after I gave him no response and turned back to the town. The sun only just starting to rise.

"The blood moon is fast approaching." He called without turning, "Are you ready?"

Don't Go Into The ForestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora