Without warning, he scooted closer, close enough that he was sitting right in front of her, the tray of food keeping distance between them. He then grabbed the fork from off the tray, scooping some of the fluffy, light yellow eggs onto it.

Curiosity got the better of her as she lifted her head up to see him more, watching how the fork moved around on the plate before looking into his eyes. He was already staring at her, his expression so hard to read, it was impossible to know what he was thinking as his lips remained in a straight line. The stubble on his cheeks, chin, upper lip and neck looked to have grown over the last eleven days, giving Reece an older man look. She wondered how old he was.

"Open," he said, voice firm and gruff. She complied, opening her mouth as he fed her the fork of scrambled egg. When she closed her lips around it, he then slipped the fork away. She didn't understand what he was doing. Why was he feeding her?

He never once broke eye contact with her, making her feel slightly uncomfortable. She wanted to look away but his hazel eyes just seemed to captivate her, trapping her in a complete trance she didn't know how to get out of. That was until she heard his next words slip from his mouth.

"We both have to leave in a few days."


"What? W—Why?" It felt as though her heart had just fainted and fell head first into the dark abyss of her stomach. Her salty tears returned, blurring her vision as she stared at her kidnapper. He looked so serious, not a single micro movement on his face.

He went to feed her again but she moved her head away, putting her chapped pink lips into a tight, thin line as she refused it.

"Eat it."

Her eyes widened at how loud and forceful his tone was. It frightened her to her bones as a cold chill ran down the length of her spine. She hesitantly opened her mouth for him. Reece slipped the fork in and she closed her lips around the cold metal on her lips. He removed it as she began to chew the contents now in her mouth.

He proceeded to feed her the food, making sure she ate every single crumb on the plate, allowing her to refresh her palate with the glass of OJ. Slowly, as he continued to remain quiet, letting her know he wasn't going to answer her two previous questions, a warm tear fell from her eyelid, racing down her cheeks.

She had to get away from him before she couldn't see her family ever again. Especially leaving Honey in the care of her mother, God knows how Vickie would treat her sister, even though it was a struggle to look after the eleven-month-old as a grade twelve student trying to graduate.

"I want to go home," she repeated, rivers flowing down her warm cheeks as she stared into his eyes. She was almost begging him at this point.

He stared silently, eyes twitching as he looked dead into both her eyes welled up with tears. "You are home, flower. I'll take care of you. . . Have faith in me."


Word Count: 2300+

I tried to edit this chapter, because to me it sounded like I had written it funny. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the update! Let me know your thoughts!

*Dylan hides away in her dark, cold writing corner as she starts giggling creepily, hands over her malicious grin, knowing information her readers won't find out until later. Screams.*

P.s: thank you for 1k reads, I appreciate every single one of you for reading my crap. 🥺



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