Chapter Four

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"Hm, I'm not quite sure what to ask you first. I just have so many questions. I don't even know what I should start with." Jonathan replied, thinking about what he wanted to know the answer to the most. "JoJo, how did you become a vampire? You seem like the type of person who would not want to use the stone mask on them-self." Zeppeli asked. "Well, Dio tried to kill me with the mask but we had no idea that it could turn humans into vampires. He turned me by accident." Jonathan replied, recalling how Dio had taken away his human status and replaced it with a supernatural one. "By accident without knowing it's power? That sounds awfully familiar to me." Zeppeli remarked. "It does?" Speedwagon replied, curious by what he meant. "I suppose I should tell you two why I'm so familiar with the mask and the monsters it creates. It all started when I was a young Will.A.Zeppeli. At the time I had a limitless thirst for the unknown. I traveled the world as part of my father's archaeological team. One day, we were excavating an Aztec site..." Zeppeli started, the memories of his youth and sea-faring days playing in his mind.

"You mean..." Jonathan spoke, figuring what he was going to say next. "That's right. It was my misfortune to unearth that cursed mask. On the voyage home, one of our team donned the mask and chaos ensued. He tore off the heads of his companions in a bloodthirsty rampage. The entire crew of 58 was killed. I dove into the sea to escape but he followed me! Suddenly, dawn broke! In the light of the rising sun, I saw his face. It was the expedition father. The ship drifted away with the mask still on board. I was filled with dread that the power of the mask might be unleashed again. I knew I had to find a way to stop it." Zeppeli continued, playing the horrific memory of having his father nearly killing him in the seas before the sun turned him into ash. "So I have spent the past few decades of my life looking for and destroying the creatures of the mask." Zeppeli added, finished with telling his story. "I'm deeply sorry that you had that happen to you. That sounds just utterly terrifying." Jonathan replied, being spooked by the story. "That sounds like something straight out of a horror story!" Speedwagon commented. "So, I hope you now understand why I wanted to kill you before I saw that you were still a good person. I thought it would be impossible for a person to remain good after becoming a vampire. In my research, it seemed that any victim of the mask would be corrupted no matter if they were good or evil. My father was a good man yet he became a monster under the mask's influence." Zeppeli remarked.

"I understand. I likely would have thought like you did if I went through what you endured." Jonathan replied, feeling sad for what happened to Zeppeli. "But it really does marvel me that you are still good despite the fact that you were turned into a vampire. You have resisted the mask's corruption and it must mean that you have a strong spirit." Zeppeli spoke. "So JoJo here is the only good vampire to ever have existed to your knowledge?" Speedwagon asked. "Yes, all of the vampires I have come across in my life were all evil. It could be possible that some of them tried to remain good but turned evil later. But it is the first time that I have seen or even heard of a good vampire." Zeppeli responded. "Wow! So that means that JoJo's goodwill is so strong that it can make him remain good despite a curse trying to make him into a monster. His goodwill is stronger than his massive muscles!" Speedwagon remarked, now even more blown away by Jonathan. "JoJo here is an untapped springwell of strength and talent. If I can train him to master his vampirism, he could be able to do countless good things with his condition." Zeppeli stated. "Yes, I would love that! I have noticed that I'm already quite a bit stronger than when I was human. I could help a lot of people with the new power I have at my fingertips!" Jonathan remarked, thinking about how he could make the best of his curse and use it for the good of mankind. Perhaps he could become even more of a gentleman. "So JoJo, what would you like to know about vampires?" Zeppeli asked, wondering if Jonathan now knew what he would ask him.

"Is it possible to cure vampirism?" Jonathan asked. As much as he liked the possibility of using his vampirism for good, he knew that he was very close to becoming evil with it. It was a curse after all. Jonathan would prefer if he could get rid of it, so that he wouldn't have to hurt anyone. "I'm afraid not. It's a permanent change. You can't go back to being a human." Zeppeli answered him. "Oh." Jonathan replied, disappointed at the answer. "Wait! I was wondering something. How come that punch you unleashed on me hurt so much? Normal punches don't hurt me all that much anymore." Jonathan asked as he knew that punch wasn't a normal one. "That was hamon that I used on you. Also known as "The ripple", it is a type of energy that is identical to the sun's rays that all human beings have. I can produce it with controlled breathing and it comes from the flow of one's blood. With creatures like vampires, their energy flow has been distorted and they are no longer able to produce themselves. That is why they need to consume parts of humans as it has the energy that they need to survive. This energy can be weaponized as hamon to fight against them. If a human can unleash enough hamon into them, it will destroy them like how the sun's rays can destroy them." Zeppeli explained. "Oh, that's interesting!" Jonathan remarked, fascinated by what Zeppeli was telling him.

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