Chapter Seven

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Thinking back to his hamon training days, Zeppeli remembered one session in Tibet, 1863. Tonpetty and him were balancing on a tight wire high up in the snowy air, way above the temple. "You have endured our training for three long years. You can run for dozens of miles without losing your breath. You will soon be ready for the training we call the Celestial gate. However, I tell you again, Zeppeli...if you continue your training, you will not be able to escape your doom. The time for turning back is now. You can still start a new life." Tonpetty warned Zeppeli, knowing what his doom was going to be. "Master Tonpetty..." Zeppeli replied as he then held out his left hand to him. "...Please read the waves of my life once more. When am I destined to die? Where am I destined to die?" Zeppeli asked, wanting to know badly. "What would you do if you knew?" Tonpetty asked as he looked at him. "I have a purpose in my life. I cannot set it aside. I want to know in order to fulfill that purpose. I accept everything when I know when I will die. I will be satisfied." Zeppeli explained as he kept on holding out his hand. He was more than ready to accept his doom if it meant fulfilling his purpose. "Very well, if you feel you are prepared...I will tell you." Tonpetty replied, turning around as he decided to let Zeppeli see his fate, grabbing his hand. A bright burst of hamon blasted from Tonpetty's hand as he grabbed Zeppeli's hand. Tonpetty closed his old brown eyes as he read the waves of Zeppeli's life. Then he opened them after he read them. "In an ancient, hidden chamber that reeks of death...a child will open the way. In order to release a chained young wolf into the will burn your own wounds and after, a cruel death awaits you!" Tonpetty told Zeppeli.

Zeppeli thought back to the present as he looked at Jonathan and Tarkus in the deathmatch area. He knew that his death was upon him and he was ready to face it. "Baron Zeppeli...Be careful, Baron!" Speedwagon warned as he was sweating because of his fear. Zeppeli took a deep breath in and out. "Here I come, JoJo!" Zeppeli exclaimed as he walked into the rectangular area. "In order to release a young wolf into the future." Zeppeli thought to himself, ready to free Jonathan even if it meant his death. Jonathan tightly grabbed his metal collar, trying his best to break it as he saw Zeppeli walk towards them. Then he realized now that Tarkus wasn't going to be his only problem. Now that three humans were close to him, the aroma of their blood called out to Jonathan like the smell of a table full of hot yummy food. He could already feel massive thirst pangs rip through every cell of his body. He was starved so severely that Jonathan could feel that his thirst was going to take over his mind soon and make him rip into Zeppeli and Speedwagon's veins. Jonathan's blue eyes now had a wild look in them, his fangs were exposed a quite bit and he felt like he was on the verge of giving in to his thirst's demands. It was pressing down on him like an axe threatening to cut his head off, the blade on his throat. "JoJo?" Speedwagon spoke, afraid of the feral look that he was seeing in Jonathan's slit pupil-ed eyes.

"Ah! This collar won't bulge! Tarkus has not shown his tricks for fighting in this room. That worries me." Jonathan thought, afraid of Tarkus killing Zeppeli. "Come, fool! You want to hit me with your hamon? A coward like you won't be able to lay a finger on me!" Tarkus boasted as he threw a punch but Zeppeli quickly jumped out of the way. "What's the matter? Scared stiff?" Tarkus added as he then threw another punch at Zeppeli but he avoided it again. As hard as Tarkus tried to land a hit on Zeppeli, Zeppeli kept on swiftly avoiding them. Tarkus furiously held the metal chain as he was becoming increasingly mad at the human that was avoiding his attacks. "Well done, Baron Zeppeli!" Speedwagon praised him. Charging with anger, Tarkus once again tried to punch Zeppeli but Zeppeli jumped out of his range, onto the wall and jumped off of it. "Try this, Tarukus! Tornado overdrive!" Zeppeli shouted out as he began to spin around in the air like a tornado, planning to unload some hamon into the undead knight. However, Tarkus disappeared under Zeppeli. "H-He just..!" Jonathan gulped as he was watching the fight. Suddenly, Tarkus appeared above Zeppeli. "Above me?" Zeppeli quaked as he looked up. "No, the chain is coming from below!" Jonathan replied as the chain was now around Zeppeli. "You're both right!" Tarkus chimed as the long metal chain then wrapped tightly around Zeppeli's waist and right arm. Zeppeli gained a look of panic on his face as the chain was wrapped around him.

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