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the two walked down the streets, hands locked with each other's. typical couple things. according to hanami, miyome often held her hand before the accident.

"muscle memories i guess." miyome thought to herself.

hanami really liked it. she thought that it was cute.

the two finally arrived at the local amusement park. a large place with many rides the two could go on.

"i'm really scared of the bigger rides, so do you mind if i cling onto you when we go on them?" miyome sheepishly asked as she wrapped herself around hanami's muscular arms.

"we don't have to go on them if you don't wanna." hanami informed, but miyome thought that they could get closer if they did go on them.

"don't worry, i kinda want to try them out." miyome said in return.

hanami nodded and the two started heading towards one of the bigger rides.

"are you sure you wanna ride this?" hanami asked as the two neared the ride.

miyome nodded and with a bright smile said, "i'm kinda excited. again, sorry if i end up clinging onto you."

hanami shook her head and said, "don't worry. cling onto me all you want. i won't mind."

miyome smiled and payed for the ride before the two sat down on the rollercoaster. since the others couldn't really see hanami, they waited for everyone to settle settle before sitting down as well.

"i heard that sitting in the front is the scariest." miyome whispered as the two fastened their belts.

they sat on the 4th row and miyome already felt her guts being relocated in her stomach.

a loud hunk erupted and the rollercoaster slowly started moving forward.

it was situated in the air and slowly, slowly started moving forward until it stopped.. and suddenly the rollercoaster rushed forward and flew down the slope.

people were screaming and laughing. some had their hands up in the air, some were holding onto the side of their seat. and some cringed onto their partners.

hanami didn't really understand how people found this entertaining or frightening. that was until she felt slender arms wrap around her abdomen.

she looked down and saw miyome's face dug into her side. this made her internally happy. she placed her hand on top of miyome's head and slowly started stroking her hair.

hanami didn't say a word. she just enjoyed the moment. miyome constantly took a peek of what was happening with the ride, only to immediately hide her face in hanami's body again.

the wind blew against her hair, making them dance elegantly. hanami loved the view. she loved miyome dearly. her whole focus was on miyome alone.

after a few minutes, the ride ended and miyome could no longer feel her feet. she felt like she was levitating. she felt her insides all change their location and she kinda felt sick.

but none of that outweighed the fact that she was spending this time with hanami.

hanami helped her off and down the stairs, before sitting her down in a nearby bench. her hair a was a bit of a mess, but it was cute.

miyome weakly smiled at hanami and said, "whoa, that was a crazy one. we should've started with something more subtle."

hanami didn't say anything. her eyes were focused on the ferris wheel a few feet away.

she then turned to miyome and said, "do you wanna ride the ferris wheel a few times?"

miyome nodded and said, "that sounds great!"

and so they set off. along the way they talked about all sorts of things like 'favorite colors', or 'favorite flowers.'

hanami really liked conversing with miyome. miyome was really joyful and funny. for as long as hanami could remember, there has never been an awkward silence between the two.

not before the accident, not after.

and if silence did take over, it was always peaceful and enjoyable. this was one of the many reasons why hanami loved miyome.

once the two got on the ferris wheel, they started talking about everything, not just small talk, but serious talk.

"so what do you think of today so far? i know our date just started, but i'm sure you have something to say." miyome started the conversation like always.

"it's going good so far. i'm enjoying myself." hanami said in return.

miyome smiled and said, "that's nice to hear~ i'm loving today. and i know that i'll love the rest of the date as well."

hanami nodded with an inner smile.

the ferris wheel was slowly making its way to the top. it was peaceful and nice.

"so what were we like before my accident. tell me everything." miyome said as she looked at hanami which situated across her.

"well.." hanami said as all the memories of the two flooded her mind. hanami smiled to herself, her heart growing warm as she started with the more minor details.

"we were really close. you didn't really have friends, by choice, so i was someone you often talked to. you shared a lot about yourself and how you wanted to become an author."

"there's also you getting confessions every week. although you rejected a lot of them. it was intriguing to watch."

miyome thought about the things hanami said, a small smile crossing her lips.

"you often liked sitting in the park or going to the amusement park with me. you often read books when you were alone," hanami said.

"tell me more about yourself," miyome said with a smile as she diligently listened.

"i often talked about my life, and you loved listening to it. most of it was about how much i cared about my curse colleges and how much i hated humans for filthying the world." hanami answered.

miyome nodded as she smiled again as she averted her gaze to her lap.

"did you confess to me before my accident?" miyome boldly asked.

hanami shook her head and said, "no. there wasn't really a right time."

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