"I don't know if that is a compliment or not." Elijah mumbled with a pout as he eyed the male for a moment, simply allowing himself to enjoy his touch. He was granted a grin from Aiden before the male pressed another soft kiss to his chest.

"It is a compliment. I like your skin, though I do worry about you burning up in the sun." He admitted with a low hum. Elijah grinned the slightest bit before he pushed Aiden back onto the bed. He pulled the remainder of the male's clothing off, eyeing his body.

"Hmph. Stop trying to run up my time." He teased as he moved to each side of the bed. He tied the scarves around the bed and then Aiden's arms, restraining them above his head. He noticed the slight look of discomfort on Aiden's face causing him to tilt his head, slightly confused by it. He brushed it off as the oddity of the situation for both of them, moving to press a kiss against his lips. After he slipped off him, placing the blindfold along his eyes before he disappeared to see if he had anything else of interest in the bag.

"Wait, Elijah, restraint." His head shot up in surprise when Aiden spoke. He easily identified the word as the safe word he had been told at the club and his gut twisted. The male was tugging at the restraints and he realized he had tied them where they were not capable of being removed by Aiden if he needed to. His eyes widened the slightest bit, but he quickly stood and made his way back over.

"I-I'm sorry!" He exclaimed as he quickly pulled the blindfold off before working on untying the scarves.
"I'm not...I'm not used to this. I'm not good at knots. I wasn't trying to keep you from being able to untie yourself or upset you." He rambled nervously as he untied everything.

"It's okay." Aiden murmured as he watched him untie it.
"You don't need to startle yourself so much. I warned you at the club that it is nothing you need to scare yourself over and we can talk about it." He soothed as he brought his wrist down, lightly rubbing them. Elijah could see they were the slightest bit red from the scarves being tight which caused him to bite his lip.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly, all confidence he had from before gone. Aiden frowned and sat up, tugging Elijah into his arms.

"Hey, it is not your fault. You had no ill intentions, and I am glad that you know the importance of a safe word. We do not need to stop, and you do not need to be sorry. I simply do not like being restrained and unable to remove myself from the situation if I need to. It is a hard limit for me if I cannot get out of it. But if you would like to continue, I am happy to show you how you can tie the knots for me, and we will continue." He murmured softly as his gaze studied the male. It was clear Elijah was concerned, scared he had messed up. Yet he felt reassured by the male's words and gave a small nod.

"I would like that." He said quietly which earned him a small smile from Aiden. The male pulled him onto his lap before shifting his attention to the scarves.

"You tie it like this," He explained as he began to demonstrate.
"This piece remaining like this means I only need to grab it and pull which will release the knot." He explained to Elijah who quickly nodded as he paid close attention to what Aiden was doing.
"Go ahead and try it." The male laid back down and Elijah began to carefully tie the scarf as he had been shown. Once it was completed, and Aiden approved, he moved to tie the remaining limbs.

"Is that better?" He asked nervously as he eyed the male. The last thing he wanted was to mess up and cause Aiden to halt everything.

"That is perfect little one. Now you can feel free to continue as you please." The male confirmed. This caused Elijah to release a quiet, relieved sigh before he moved to press a light kiss on Aiden's lips.

"I'm sorry for doing it wrong and upsetting you." He murmured.

"Don't be sorry, Elijah. This is a learning experience, and it is meant to help your confidence. I am fine." Aiden murmured. He nodded and grabbed the blindfold, carefully tugging it over Aiden's eyes before he leaned to gently kiss his cheek. He was not completely sure what he should do, never being on top aside from when Aiden had told him to be. This was completely different, however. He had to decide the best course of action, not rely on what Aiden expected him to do.

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